What I Want You to Know About Struggling With Obesity
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is by Samantha. What I want you to know about struggling with obesity is that it affects every aspect of my life. It influences not only my self esteem and outward appearance, but my personality, . . .
Nine Inch Nails meets Carly Rae Jepsen and the result is . . . kind of awesome?
When I was a teenager I was a huge fan of Nine Inch Nails, and Head Like a Hole was on heavy rotation on the cassette-player in my car. Fast-forward to today, and I’ve got four picky back-seat DJ’s, with Call Me Maybe on repeat play in the minivan. So for some reason, this mash-up of Trent Reznor’s angry anthem backed up with bubblegum pop beats just tickles me to no end. Please to enjoy: HT to The Verge. . . .
early March photo dump
The last week of February was a bit of a doozy. I was dealing with some severe allergies the very week that the kids had “ski week”. Ski week is a week where the wealthy inhabitants of Orange County head to their ski chalets while the rest of us scramble for childcare or try to finish our work in the presence of bored children. In addition to having all four kids home, I also had 3-4 people working on the kitchen. While I lay sick on the sofa trying to write. It was not a fun week. The . . .
Tide pools
A couple months ago the good folks from Small Fry were here in Orange County, and we met up to shoot a little film for their blog. If you aren’t familiar, Small Fry is a children’s lifestyle blog, and they’ve got an amazing team of filmakers who capture these great vignettes of family moments. When they asked if we would be interested in being the subject of one of these filmed, I jumped at the change, because I had a feeling it would end up being this wonderful keepsake of our family. I was . . .
Reflections after a no-media week
The older kids’ school requested that families do a “media-free” week last week. It was an idea I liked in theory but the timing couldn’t have been worse. They’d had winter break the week prior, which meant all of them were home so I got very little work done. I was playing catch-up and could have benefitted from the quiet that throwing on a movie can provide. Still, I wanted to win the teachers’ approval honor the school’s wishes and so we declared our home media-free for 7 days. Surprisingly, . . .
that’s what SHE said: feeling old vs. feeling fat, our relationship with screens, a child’s reaction to Black History Month, sexual abuse on the mission field, and more . . .
I'd Rather Feel Old Than Feel Fat | Jezebel Hating myself for being fat, when I was young, was paralyzing. Feeling terrified of getting older, at my current age, is galvanizing. It's a different kind of self-hatred. Hatred of fatness is based in cultural norms, which are made-up, but getting old is real. It means something. When you don't know who you are yet, there's constant anxiety that you're doing "you" wrong (i.e. my body itself is what's holding me back). But as soon as you're . . .
On lying to my children
In our last episode of Mama Said over at Babble, Sarah and I are confessing the lies we tell to our children. Some of mine have to do with balloons, and my stabby hate of them. How about you? Do you ever lie to your kids? . . .
Questions of Eternal Significance: Do you enjoy winter weather?
This week we have been experiencing some really beautiful weather here in Southern California. It has been surreal to post pictures on Instagram of my kids basking in the sunshine, and then scroll through my feed to see so many pictures of sledding children and snow-covered houses. I almost feel guilty about posting the photos of us cavorting outdoors while so many people are in the middle of snow storms . . . but then again, I am reminded that not everyone abhors winter weather quite the way I . . .
What to do when your significant other doesn’t share your religious beliefs
I’m over at Deeper Story today, with the first post in my new advice column there. The first letter was a difficult situation: a Christian woman whose husband admitted he was losing his faith: “Dear Kristen:When my husband and I got married, we had very similar beliefs. As the years have gone by, due to a combination of thoughtful doubt and broken relationships within the Church, as well as our own personal sorrows and losses within our family, my husband has decided he no longer believes any . . .
Fun with flat irons
Last night after our baths the girls asked me to “make their hair bendy” – which is what they call it when I use the flat-iron to curl their hair. I used to do this when they had long hair and it resulted in these amazing long ringlets, but now that they have short hair, it really just kind of flips outward into a mid-80’s Farrah Fawcett ‘do. Karis cracks me up. I feel like she looks like a little country-western singer ready for her big break at the Grand Ole’ Opry. Kembe was watching . . .
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