Kristen is the mom of four children within four years via birth and adoption, and has been blogging at Rage Against the Minivan as a coping skill since 2006. On the blog you’ll find musings about the impact of the skinny jean on Kristen’s self-esteem, her tendency to spill food on her laptop, and her inappropriate crush on Jon Stewart. She also indulges in sleep-deprived rants about parenting, poop, adoption, politics, race, religion, social justice, and various other subjects that her mother warned her not to discuss in public.
Kristen is a Marriage and Family Therapist, a freelance writer, and a musical theater geek. In addition to her own blog, Kristen has contributed to Huffington Post and Quiet Revolution. Kristen is also the founder of Pinterest You Are Drunk and the popular Instagram accounts @assholeparents and @whenchildrendressthemselves. Kristen likes to waste time on Twitter at @kristenhowerton.