I’m over at Deeper Story today, with the first post in my new advice column there. The first letter was a difficult situation: a Christian woman whose husband admitted he was losing his faith:
“Dear Kristen:
When my husband and I got married, we had very similar beliefs. As the years have gone by, due to a combination of thoughtful doubt and broken relationships within the Church, as well as our own personal sorrows and losses within our family, my husband has decided he no longer believes any of it. He doesn’t want to go to church. He doesn’t know if he believes in God anymore. He seems angry and hurt to me, but it’s been months and I don’t see any end in sight. I’m scared. I’m scared for him, I’m scared for our marriage, I’m scared for our kids. I don’t know how to be married to someone who doesn’t believe the same things as me, let alone someone who doesn’t believe at all anymore . . . “
You can read the rest of her letter, and my advice to her, over at Deeper Story.