The last week of February was a bit of a doozy. I was dealing with some severe allergies the very week that the kids had “ski week”. Ski week is a week where the wealthy inhabitants of Orange County head to their ski chalets while the rest of us scramble for childcare or try to finish our work in the presence of bored children. In addition to having all four kids home, I also had 3-4 people working on the kitchen. While I lay sick on the sofa trying to write. It was not a fun week.
The boys started a karate class this month. They are really enjoying it. While the boys are in karate, India is taking an art class. This girl could sit and color for hours on end, so it’s fun to see her working with new mediums.
I am a mom who generally fails at planning playdates. I always forget to schedule them and I’m ambivalent about sending my kids to other people’s houses. So over the break I let each of the kids invite some friends from school over for a big, epic playdate. This will absolve me of any more playdates for the year, right? India decided we needed a theme and a sign. Because of course.
Yay for India’z GiRL PRDY!!!! Her playdate was spent making crafts and telling them boys to leave them alone.
Jafta’s playdate, on the other hand, involved swords and water guns.
In an effort to actually hang out with our friends instead of just talking about how we should hang out, we subscribed to a theater with some other couples. The plays have been hit-or-miss but the company has been great.
Mark is finally on instagram! I am finally equally yoked in my marriage. When he’s not busy posting photos of his burrito at Chipotle, sometimes he gets some great shots of the kids.
Karis had her first soccer game this week. She only spent about 1/2 the game crying and trying to get me to hold her, so . . . I guess it went well?
Yesterday I saw Wicked with India, my mother-in-law, and sister-in-law. It was so much fun. I try not to project my own stuff onto my kids and let them choose their own passions, but with musical theater all bets are off. Fortunately India seems on-board.
Alright, off to football practice. A post complaining about my over-commitment to extra-cirriculars is forthcoming.