What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is by Katherine. There is nothing sexy about eating disorders. You will never have the right curves. The weight will never be lost from the correct areas. The number on the scale will never be . . .
what i want you to know about Aspergers syndrome
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is by Kerry. I want you to know that sometimes I wish my other child had Asperger’s too. I like it that my son loves rules and wants to do the right thing. Even as a newborn, he had the same . . .
Mac vs. Windows: Is it time for me to convert?
In a tragic ending to our island vacation, I stuck a water bottle into my bag at the airport and it leaked all over my laptop. Said laptop will no longer power on. I've got it at a repair shop to try to rescue the data (a scenario I am in denial about because the last time I "backed up" was . . . oh, fall 2012? I have a whole lot of photos hanging in the balance and I just cannot even think about it without feeling sick.) In the meantime, I desperately need a new computer. (I am . . .
We’re on a boat: The Bahamas
Okay, I promise, this is the last installment of Look At My Vacation Photos. Here is our day in Nassau. I gotta say, Nassau was my least favorite of our stops. There were three cruise ships at the port and it was very crowded, and very touristy. It was also looking like rain, so we decided to stop in to the Pirate Museum for a bit until the skies cleared up. Next, we decided to take a walk down to Junkaroo beach. It started raining as we were walking, and eventually it was just . . .
Our family modeling debut
Right before we left for our trip, we went to an event at Walt Disney Studio Lot to commemorate Old Navy’s new Mickey Through the Decades vintage tee collection. The folks from Old Navy asked us if we’d be willing to do a little modeling of the clothes for a spot on Access Hollywood. They interviewed us together and then in smaller groups. I caught this picture while it was Mark and India’s turn. So squinty! It was crazy hot. The t-shirt line is really cute – they . . .
We’re on a boat: Tortola, Virgin Islands
I am totally being that annoying friend right now who makes you sit and watch the slideshow from their family vacations, aren’t I? Here are some more pictures from our trip. This is our stop in Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. Here we are, fresh off the boat. I think this is the only photo we got of the whole family on this trip. Don’t the kids look thrilled? On this day, we took an excursion to Van Jost island. It was about a 30 minute boat ride from Tortola, passing by . . .
Summer Giveway: four tickets to Cimorelli on August 6th at the El Rey!
I’ve got a fun giveaway today: four tickets to Cimorelli on August 6th at the El Rey in Los Angeles. Cimorelli is formed by six sisters known for their tight harmonies. Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Dani (ranging in age from 12-22 years old) started their group in 2007, playing many local gigs in Northern California after having spent several years in musical theater. In 2009, they put up an a cappella cover of Miley Cyrus’ song “Party in the USA” on YouTube, which led to a . . .
Kids' music I'm embarrassed to love
When my kids were small, I was sure that I would be able to continue listening to the music I like, and morph their musical tastes to match my own. But now that they are old enough to have an opinion, it’s a totally different story. Our car stereo is now on continual Radio Disney rotation . . . and the sad part? I haven’t morphed their musical tastes – they’ve morphed mine. If I’m honest, I find myself singing along to the stuff they like more often than I’d like to admit. Over at Babble, I am . . .
What I want you to know about being a black middle-class suburban mom
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is by Micky Jones. I am in your tribe. And I am on the outside of your tribalism*. I am seen. And I am unseen. I’ve lived nearly my entire life as the lone black girl amongst my friends. I am the daughter . . .
Pinterest + Shopping = Luvocracy (A $150 Giveaway)
I’m excited to share about a new website that I think will change the way we shop. Pinterest has become hugely popular in the last few years, as an inspiration site but also as a place to bookmark things.The problem with Pinteest, though, is that the images are not always related to an actual product. So you may see a cute dress you love, but upon clicking you may find it’s from 2 years ago (or you may not find a source for the dress at all). Luvocracy is a social inspirational pinboard like . . .
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