Jafta got a bag of hand-me-downs from one of his good friends, and before I got to preview it, he pulled out a Cars ski vest. He was so excited about this ski vest that he put it on, immediately. Despite the fact that we have no air conditioning, and despite the fact that it was nearly 100 degrees out, he wore it all morning, and insisted on wearing it during his nap, too. I really can't express how hot it was in our house this day. If I had a macro lens I could show you the sweat beading on his . . .
Not Fair People
I am going to say some things in this post that may not be nice. My sentiments here are shallow at best. Juvenile even. But we've been to the fair this week, and I need to process. If my mocking of all things carny is going to bother you, skip down to my nice post where I reflect on social justice. Or go read this, or look at these pretty pictures.You're still here? Well don't say I didn't warn you.So the fair. Yeah. The bottom line is this:WE ARE NOT FAIR PEOPLEThe trouble is, we live right . . .
Pizza on the Grill
How am I just now hearing about this?? Delicious! . . .
The Mystery of the Missing Nap
For about a week now, India wasn't taking her nap. She would be in there for an hour or so, just laughing and talking. I had a sneaking suspicion something else was going on, but I don't like to go in there because she throws a fit if I don't get her up. But curiosity finally go the best of me, and this is what I found.Looks like India is skipping her nap in favor of trying to moon the neighbors. . . .
On Leaving the Ministry
So I've been feeling the need to clarify/justify/defend Mark leaving staff at RockHARBOR. When Mark first left, we got a few really random comments. A couple folks cornered Mark at church, demanding indignantly to know what happened. People came up to me and whispered, "I heard about Mark leaving RockHARBOR" in the same empathetic tone that they might say, "I heard your daughter has leukemia". People have told us how sorry they are. People have asked if we are okay. People have told us, with . . .
When Natural Consequences Go Wrong
I've always been a "natural consequences" kind of mom. I figure that learning things through negative consequences is always more effective than a lecture. You wanna wear your sweatshirt in 98 degree heat? Fine, see how that works for you. You insist on putting hot sauce all over your dinner? Fine, that's what you will eat. Wanna stick your finger in a electric socket? Okay, that one I might intervene on.The other night, we decided to try some natural consequences with India, who was throwing a . . .
Facebook – You Know Me So Well
The facebook ads kind of freak me out. They are scarily accurate. I think they have little computer trolls that are spying on me. This is the ad today:"Mom - tired and in need of some energy?"Then an add to buy tickets for Feist, and an invitation to watch videos for SYTYCD, and t-shirts for Arrested Development. How did you know, special psychic computer friend?And right after I posted the cruise pictures:"Drinking too much? Rehab for alcohol"Whare are you trying to say, facebook trolls? But . . .
I Love Social Justice (as long as it doesn’t cost me anything)
This quote was on my sister-in-law's blog. It is so profound, I had to share."I contend that Christians will only have authority if they first serve the needs of others in sacrificial ways, especially the poor and oppressed. When those who hold power witness how Christians live out love - meeting the needs of others and binding up the wounds who have been left hurting by society's waysides - Christians will earn the authority to speak. When Christians sacrificially give of their time and . . .
My Little Fish
. . .
Blogging Finally Pays
My friend Ali and I started a "mommy blog" a few months ago, in the hopes of creating a fun place for moms to share resources, recipes, ideas, and funny stories. What started as a small little project has grown into quite a bit of work, and over the last few weeks we've been wondering if the time blogging has sucked away would pay off (in ways beyond having a sense of purpose during naptime).If you haven't visited Mama Manifesto, you must hate me you really should. (and if you care about my . . .
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