This quote was on my sister-in-law’s blog. It is so profound, I had to share.
“I contend that Christians will only have authority if they first serve the needs of others in sacrificial ways, especially the poor and oppressed. When those who hold power witness how Christians live out love – meeting the needs of others and binding up the wounds who have been left hurting by society’s waysides – Christians will earn the authority to speak. When Christians sacrificially give of their time and resources to run soup kitches for the hungry and provide shelters for the homeless, they gain the right to be heard. When they tutor poor childred and care for those with AIDS, they expand their mandate to call for change. But, before they speak, Christians must demonstrate God’s love through sacrificial ministries. Sacrifice gives them the ability to be taken seriously by those who seem to be in control of political machines.”-Tony Campolo
I have been challenged quite a bit lately about God’s calling to care for the poor and oppressed. I know that I could do more, and yet I find so many excuses. When I really think about what God may have in store for my family, sometimes it scares me. I wonder if we are called to live in Haiti, to adopt more orphans, to open our homes to foster youth, to widen our eyes to our local community . . . all of these things tug at my heart and sometimes I feel like if I just open the door, God will crack it wide open. And yet . . . fear. complacency. laziness. I don’t want to mess up my neat little life. Which is so dumb, because to follow God’s calling is life in abundance. I’m pondering on this today, and feeling challenged.
I know exactly what you’re saying. I have so much on my heart that I’m not currently living. I’m sure this stage of parenting has something to do with it, but it’s also my laziness, complacency, etc.
It comes in waves, sometimes I’m all fired up and hopeful about God’s plan and other times I just can’t focus on anything but getting through the current day.
Thank you for your honesty.
That really is the dilemma of [American] Christianity, isn’t it? And yet the shameless gospel of prosperity is considered the bar by which all other spiritual successes are measured. We shall have much to answer for…
Thank you for this thoughtful post. Wax on, sister.
Right there with you! Great quote.
I love your honesty and being able to see your heart. At VBS a few weeks ago we raised 15oo for kids in Africa. That will pay for 50 kids to go to school for a year, 20 kids to go to the dr for a year and 200 kids to eat 2 meals a day for a month. When I think about that worrying over bills seems so stupid.
Very thought provoking! I’ve been mulling this one over for the past day or so… It’s challenging me.
I am there with you. :0) Angel
Tony Campolo has TONS of great quotes …. dude is seriously the real deal … my dad hates his politics, which is maybe why I have come to LOVE him — there is one quote from about twenty years ago that I am pasting in- – LOVE IT. 🙂
“I have three things I’d like to say today. First, while you were sleeping last night, 30,000 kids died of starvation or diseases related to malnutrition. Second, most of you don’t give a shit. What’s worse is that you’re more upset with the fact that I said shit than the fact that 30,000 kids died last night.”
Thanks Kristen!!!
I too, contemplate these kinds of feelings almost daily, complete with a load of guilt. Yet, right now, I know my ministry has been thrust upon me and it’s all I can do to just get through the days. I know God will open the doors when he is ready to use us for more. I’m ready whenever He is!!