There is a new documentary touring the country right now called STUCK. The film explores the many reasons that orphans in developing countries get stuck living in orphanages. Of course, ideally all children in impoverished countries would be able to grow up with their biological parents. But for some children, this is not an option, and a lifetime in an institution becomes a likely future for them. International adoption is a solution for children who have no other option. It seems . . .
That’s what SHE said: There are too many graduations, working dads have regrets, and Henry Rollins is smarter than you think.
And then the conference uninvited me to speak | Jenn Hatmaker With nearly 8 million people leaving the American church a year, we need some renegades closer to the margins, building bridges, creating safe spaces to question, wrestle, rethink. Plenty of churches exist to serve the 20 percent already connected. For them, I am grateful. Enough shepherds are on the ground for those sheep. They have a deep well of leadership, and my absence will not even be felt. They are brothers and sisters, and . . .
What I want you to know: adopting a teenager from foster care
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is by anonymous reader. Our story is different from the ones you see in commercials, in the movies or on the news. There were no happy crowds of relatives waiting at the airport. No bundle of sweet baby . . .
Howerton’s funniest home videos
Last week I posted about Jafta’s new favorite game he refers to as Purposefully Hurting Ourselves. Sometimes it seems like the whole family is on the same path. This weekend, the kids came up with some kind of game in which they hurl themselves off chairs. And like the good mother that I am, I told them to wear a helmet and got out the video camera. And then I shared the wipeout on the internet. Because, seriously. This makes me laugh so hard. . How we’ve avoided a trip to the ER . . .
the boulevard of broken dreams
Moving our family of six into a new house has been a stressful process, but to be honest, the worst part was cleaning out the garage that we’ve neglected for eight years since we became parents. Before we had kids, the garage was a bit of a “man cave” where Mark had a desk and a sofa and drank beer with his friends. After we had kids, it became my office – or at least that was the plan. This plan never really materialized because there was usually a trail of boxes and other crap prohibiting . . .
Let’s bring the holidays down a notch
Today was St. Patrick’s Day, a holiday I had completely forgotten about until Jafta stumbled into the living room at about 11:30pm last night while we were watching SNL. “Can I help you guys hide the gold coins?” he asked. The WHAT? “The gold coins. I know the leprechauns aren’t real. I know it’s you, like Santa. So I want to help you. I can make the leprechaun trap, too.” We told Jafta to go to bed and then looked at each other with exasperation. Gold coins? A leprechaun trap? Is he . . .
Questions of eternal significance: beards on men . . . hot or not?
Mark and I watched the documentary Mansome last weekend, which is dedicated to looking at the grooming habits of men. There was a segment about the growing popularity of beards, and the phenomena of beard competitions. I’ve definitely noticed the trend . . . it seems like beards are in full season at all the local hipster joints. My friend Sarah even has a Pintrest board dedicated to “beard porn”. Source: via Sarah on Pinterest While I can appreciate the guy above, . . .
The wisdom of an eight-year-old
Today in the car Jafta spontaneously asked me if he could take all of the money he’s been saving in his piggy bank and give it to the child he sponsors in Haiti. He was so earnest about it. “It’s the right thing to do, Mom.” I reflected on how mature he was becoming . . . such a thoughtful little guy. About 2 minutes later he switched subjects to tell me about a new game he and his friends are playing at school. “We climb onto things and then throw ourselves off and try to see who can . . .
what i want you to know about my daughter’s birth mother
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is by Jill Flockhart. Some people are really curious about my daughters birth mother and I understand that. What I need you to understand is that I protect her to protect my daughter. My daughters . . .
Nerd alert: Hunger Games new “Capital Portraits” are released for Catching Fire
Today the good folks at Lionsgates sent me the photo series for the new Capital Portraits of the cast of Catching Fire. Over the course of the week these eleven Special Edition Capitol Portraits were released on the new Capitol Couture Instagram account. But I’ve got them all right here for your Hunger Games dork-out pleasure. CAN. NOT. WAIT for this new movie to come up. Did you read the trilogy? Are you excited about the movie? . . .
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