Last week I posted about Jafta’s new favorite game he refers to as Purposefully Hurting Ourselves. Sometimes it seems like the whole family is on the same path. This weekend, the kids came up with some kind of game in which they hurl themselves off chairs. And like the good mother that I am, I told them to wear a helmet and got out the video camera. And then I shared the wipeout on the internet. Because, seriously. This makes me laugh so hard.
How we’ve avoided a trip to the ER in the past 8 years is beyond me. Later the same day, Mark caught Karis taking a similar nose-dive. In our defense, he was filming Kembe doing tricks and did not catch that Karis was intent on the ramp until she was on her way. I promise we had her in a helmet after we scraped her off. I cannot promise that we had her in pants.
Here is Jafta, using a paddle/ball game to hit himself in the face. Because that’s fun.
And of course, just like everything her brothers do, Karis had to try it out herself.
We may be going through boxes of bandaids like nobody’s business, but we’re having fun.