Straight Allies, White Anti-Racists: Labels That Mean Nothing to Me Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I’d rather experience people–and their politics–through unlikely, awkward, strained, challenging, beautiful relationships built over time. That way, when we do clash or differ, we love each other enough to express the full range of our raw emotions – cry, yell, storm out – and always return to build the deeper, more intimate connections we need to take on the world together, truly united. . . .
Mama Said: Post-school time management
This month Sarah James and I are taking questions from our readers. This week's question: how do you cope with those crazy hours between school pick-up and bedtime? How do you cope with the post-school hours? Do you have a routine? How do you handle dinnertime? If you have any questions you would like us to answer in a future video, leave them in the comments! . . .
Stephen Colbert remembers his mom
What an incredible eulogy from Stephen Colbert for his mom. Make me want to be a better mother. Ugly cry alert . . . you might need a tissue for this one. The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,Video Archive . . .
Shooting the Happy Family in New York City
A couple months ago I took a trip to New York to shoot a commercial for Happy Family . . . a brand of organic snacks for kids. I use an app called TripIt to organize my travel and I had to laugh at how this looked in my calendar, followed by the next trip: I’m just gonna shoot the happy family and then attend a conference about killer tribes. Ahem. The trip was much less nefarious than it looked on paper. Happy Family invited 8 bloggers to come and share stories about the trials of feeding . . .
What i want you to know about surviving date rape
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is by anonymous reader. I debated the title of this for a while. "Being Date Raped" didn't sound right cause it made it seem like it was happening right now. And it's me, at least. I wasn't . . .
Summertime sanity: new Netflix features that will make your life easier
This post was sponsored by Netflix. You can check out some of the new family features at It seems like most of the country has already started summer, but my kids have school for the rest of the week. I’m equally excited and panicked about them getting out of school. I’m looking forward to some fun and some lazy summer days, but I’m also a little concerned how I will continue to get my work done with all of them home all day. I’m trying to come up with some structure for . . .
My Imaginary Well-Dressed Toddler Daughter
Every once in a while I will stumble onto a Pinterest board that perfectly skewers the insanity of Pinterest. The board My Imaginary Well-Dressed Toddler Daughter does just that, mocking the hipster photos of perfect children than abound on Pinterest. The captions are the best part. Well, that and the fact that she named her imaginary daughter Quinoa. Here are a few of my favorites: One time Quinoa thought she had accidentally squashed a bug, but what she had really squashed . . .
Skate park Saturday
Last weekend Karis spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s, which left me the opportunity to do something fun with just the older kids. They’ve been begging to go to the skate park but Karis is a bit too young, so it seemed like the perfect day to venture out with the big kids. Blue Diamond Almonds sent me a snack pack for our day, and once again my children ate through most of it the minute I opened the box. Not pictured: a can of Wasabi Soy almonds being held by Jafta. cowering over them in . . .
Summer His & Hers Cruiser Bike Giveaway
Summer is here and I've got a fun giveaway to kick it off. I'm teaming up with a few other bloggers to bring you a fabulous summer-worthy prize: His & Hers Cruiser Bikes. And because these bikes are so awesome, we are giving one away to a second winner as well! The Prizes: Grand Prize: 2 Cruiser Bikes (A $300 value) Runner-Up Prize: 1 Cruiser Bike (A $150 value) Choose from any two of the following*: Huffy Panama Jack 26" Men's Cruiser Bike 26" Huffy Nel Lusso Women's Cruiser . . .
Weekend Finds
Our kids still have another week of school, so it doesn’t quite feel like summer has started in our house. I’m still stocking up on summer supplies in an effort to keep our sanity as I’ve got four kids home all summer. I’ve stumbled onto some great deals this week and thought I would share. First up, it’s the Tea Collection semi-annual sale! Oh Tea Collection . . . I can’t quit you. I am a huge fan of Zulily. It’s a flash sale site and it can be hit or miss, but sometimes . . .
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