Last weekend Karis spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s, which left me the opportunity to do something fun with just the older kids. They’ve been begging to go to the skate park but Karis is a bit too young, so it seemed like the perfect day to venture out with the big kids.
Blue Diamond Almonds sent me a snack pack for our day, and once again my children ate through most of it the minute I opened the box. Not pictured: a can of Wasabi Soy almonds being held by Jafta. cowering over them in a corner while repeating, “My precious . . . my precious.” We geared up and hit the road.
India has taken an interesting in learning to ride, and has also been practicing at home. I was curious to see how she would do, because she’s not as naturally athletic as her brothers (like her mama) and tends to get frustrated when things don’t come easily (like her mama.) But I’m proud to say she was a trooper and practiced the whole time we were there. Despite having her own skateboard, she chose Mark’s old board. It’s wide and a bit creaky and I think it makes her feel more stable.
I had a few older skaters ask to take a photo of her skateboard. I guess it’s vintage.
Jafta and Kembe continue to amaze me with how fearless they are on a skateboard. Nearly every time we go, Kembe manages to befriend several teenaged boys, and today was no exception. He finagled a better board from one of them for half the day.
India wasn’t ready to brave the ramps but she practiced her footing and some tic-tacking in the flat area. When she got tired, she started doing some of her football cheers for the boys while they were on the ramps. Go team!
Kembe tried riding the rail for the first time. Nailed it.
It was a fun day, and despite some of the reservations I’ve had about the skate park in the past, I think this may become a frequent destination for our family. I even signed India and Karis up for an all-girl skate camp this summer.
This is a sponsored post by Blue Diamond Almonds. Get Your Summer Going with Blue Diamond Almonds!