We’ve been having a little marital spat because recently I decided to move my iphone plug from a desk in the living room to my nightstand in the bedroom. I like using my phone as an alarm clock, and sometimes it’s relax to thumb through instagram before I fall asleep. Mark feels that this is a slippery slope because we’ve always been a “screen-free bedroom” kind of couple. But I’ve tried excusing this since a) it’s really about the alarm feature which is more convenient than an alarm clock, and . . .
The internet’s best covers of “Let It Go”
My family is still officially obsessed with the movie Frozen, even though we’re now several weeks into the phenomenon. I can’t drive the minivan anywhere without requests to listen to the soundtrack, especially Idina Menzel’s version of the big power ballad, “Let It Go” (which is not to be confused with Demi Lovato’s official pop version). We saw it when it first opened in November. Then again in December. In January, we saw it again at the opening of the Frozen Sing-a-long, where we sang along. . . .
Dishing on Downton Season 4 Episode 8 (The Christmas Special)
Sarah James and I are talking about the last episode of season 4. We’ve got Scooby Doo shenanigans, secret things hidden in coat pockets, awkward date run-ins, a debutante ball, a prince, and a surprise heir. What did you think of this episode? And do you agree with our assessment of this season as a whole? . . .
That’s what SHE said: Mom time vs. dad time, white people talking awkwardly about race, taking off the hijab, and more . . .
Why Mom's Time Is Different From Dad's Time | Wall Street Journal Complicating matters, mothers assume a disproportionate number of time-sensitive domestic tasks, whether it’s getting their toddlers dressed for school or their 12-year-olds off to swim practice. Their daily routine is speckled with what sociologists Annette Lareau and Elliot Weininger call “pressure points,” or nonnegotiable demands that make their lives, as the authors put it, “more frenetic.” These deadlines have unintended . . .
Why I’m okay disciplining other peoples kids (and letting other adults correct my own)
Last week, one of my favorite blogs, My Brown Baby, pointed out a post from Kourtney Kadashian in which Kourtney complained about someone requesting her kids cover their mouths when they cough. Apparently she found this to be completely offensive. It sparked an interesting conversation on whether or not it’s okay to correct other people’s children. It seems like people have really varied opinions on this. I remember having a conversation with a friend who was frustrated about an encounter at . . .
Sacred Scared: In which I confess my insecurities on the internet
A couple weeks ago my friend Glennon asked some of my friends and I to share our deepest insecurities, and a photo of ourselves not wearing make-up, and we agreed. Because we are insane and Glennon is really persuasive. We wrote out of deep secrets and took our unmade selfies. And then promptly regretted it and collectively freaked out. But as the posts are going up on Momastery this week, this beautiful thing is happening. Women are coming out of the wood-work saying, "Me too!" And it's so, so . . .
What I want you to know: I had thoughts of harming my child
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest post is by Karen. Many times reading the newspaper articles about parents, or caretakers that have done a child wrong by abusing them, leaving them locked in a steaming hot vehicle, or shaking them within . . .
Does Frozen feature Disney’s first animated gay couple?
Our family has seen Frozen several times but Mark and I have not seen it together. I saw it first with the girls, and then Mark took the kids one day while I was working. When he came back, he said, “I can’t believe they had a gay couple in the movie!” And I was like . . . huh? What are you talking about? I don’t remember tat and I would remember that. Mark was sure that when the shopkeeper of Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna points to the sauna and says, “Hey family!”, that he was . . .
A Safer World for My Daughter (A guest post by Byron Hurt)
Today’s guest post is an address Byron Hurt shared with college students at Amherst College. He later shared it on facebook and I thought it was so poignant and powerful. He generously allowed me to reshare it here. This morning, I was standing in the bathroom waiting for my four year-old daughter to finish using it so that I could shave and get dressed. When she was done, she walked over to the sink to put soap onto her tiny hands, and stood in front of me and the bathroom sink. . . .
Dishing on Downton Season 4 Episode 7
Sarah and I are dishing on the latest episode of Downton Abbey. This episode had a long of action . . . a party, a profession of love, and a murder mystery. What did you think? . . .
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