I’ve been working on the kids’ Valentines this year. I’m typically not really a crafty person, but I do like making photo Valentines for the kids. I feel like they are more personal and a fun thing to save in their scrapbook. But on a more practical level, they tend to be easier to assemble than the store-bought variety, it allows me to avoid standing over 4 kids signing 25 valentines each, and it really isn’t all that expensive. The past few years I’ve done optical illusion Valentines using a . . .
Mama Said: Should kids be on instagram?
On this episode of Mama Said, Sarah James and I discuss whether or not kids should be on instagram, and what age they would allow their own children to have an account. What do you think? If you have tween or teen kids, do you let them have an account? How do you monitor it? If you have younger kids, what age do you think you will allow your kids on instagram? . . .
Children’s book resources for celebrating Black History Month
February is Black History Month, and it's a great opportunity for families of all races to talk to their children about race, civil rights, and the history of African Americans. I’ve curated a list of children’s books that provide historical context to the history of black people in our country as well as highlighting many of our nation's black heroes. I've listed them in order of maturity, starting with simple picture books for young children going up to chapter books for teens. . . .
On Woody Allen, Dylan Farrow, and debating sexual abuse
Over the past few weeks, Woody Allen has been the subject of intense speculation. While the Golden Globes honoroed his achievement in film, his ex Mia Farrow and son Roanon Farrow let some barbs fly on twitter, implying that he had molested his daughter Dylan Farrow. This erupted a firestorm of “did he or didn’t he?” commentary on blogs, in the news, and on social media. Finally, last week Dylan Farrow broke her silence in an open letter on NYTimes.com “When I was seven years old, Woody . . .
What I wanted you to know about about being the other woman
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is by an anonymous reader. In the fall of my sophomore year of college, my father sent me a Facebook message letting me know that he had cheated on my mother with another woman. I sat in the . . .
If it’s not Juan thing with this guy, it’s another (The Bachelor recap, episode 6)
Our stock in J-Pab continues to plummet. Granted, it shouldn’t be shocking that the main character on a skeevy show acts like a skeeve. But Juan Pablo’s ever-emerging misogyny and self-importance is becoming vomit-inducing. Especially the whole “can you stop crying for me while I invade your space and force you to look at me” schtick. Juan Pablo, Sarah and I are not impressed. . . .
My word for the year is NO
Over the past couple of years I’ve noticed this trend where people choose a word that is going to guide them for the year. In the past, I’ve done resolutions, and I’ve failed miserably at them. Year after year, I’ve struggled to be present in my own life, to lower my stress level, to create more down-time, to take more walks, to spend more time just “being” with my family and friends. Every year I add these things to my list, but this year I decided to take stock in what is keeping me from . . .
Dishing on Downton Abbey, Season 4 Episode 5: FORBIDDEN ROMANCE
Downton’s getting a bit more interesting this week. We’ve got parties, we’ve got a missing lover, we’ve got a makeout sesh in the woods, and we’ve got a forbidden romance. We’ve also got me admitting that history is hard. What did you think of this week’s episode? . . .
The 10 Best Superbowl Commercials
I confessed last week that I don’t usually watch the Superbowl. But that didn’t stop me from taking a gander at some of the commercials. Thank you YouTube. There were a few good ads, though the word “best” is pretty subjective. Best…how? In terms of memorability? Entertainment value? Degree to which I now want to purchase their product? For our purposes here, “best” means the commercials that stuck in my head and seemed creative and/or amusing and/or they captured my attention. Over at Babble . . .
That’s what SHE said: tattooed quarterbacks, cynical Christians, harmful fitspiration, and more . . .
Don’t Call Him A Freak: Colin Kaepernick Opens Up On Quarterback Sociology, Tattoos, Adoption | TIME.Com “My parents told me from the time I can remember that, ‘yeah, you’re adopted. But this is your family.’ I can remember my mom, she tells me this story: when I was little, I was looking at her and I was like, ‘why isn’t my skin the same color as yours?’ She was like, ‘oh, you’re adopted, but I wish I had pretty brown skin like you.’ That’s something that – [pause] – they made me feel like . . .
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