This post was sponsored by Nextdoor. In our current age of technology, it’s easy to conclude that we have become more isolated. We spend more time indoors, and it is more and more difficult to get to know our neighbors. When I was a kid, we knew everyone on our street. But in the age of the internet, this is less common. However, the internet can also bring us together. It can be a great way to connect with people with shared interests, like finding a group of theater enthusiasts in your home . . .
What I want you to know about parenting with mental illness
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest post is by Lani Roberts. I have three children: a son who died as an infant, an adopted son, and a biological daughter. My living children are one and two years old. I am a twenty-eight . . .
That’s what SHE said: mass murder and prayer, the psychology behind ritualized school shootings, white parents and the need to talk about racial violence, working while brown, climate change tips, Tina Fey & Amy Poehler farce it up and more…
PEOPLE REACT TO BEING CALLED BEAUTIFUL by Shea Glover | MASS MURDER AND THE PROBLEM WITH PRAYER | Jonathan Merritt calls out the GOP candidates who have offered lots of prayers for the victims of the San Bernardino shooting but no action..."Leaders will debate what should be done in the face of an epidemic of violence, but something must be done. A life of faith is a life of prayer and action, but never one without the other. Action . . .
Holiday Gift Guide 2015
Here are some fun gift ideas for the holiday season. I tried to include a mix of item based on a few criteria: Some items I chose because they are unique and different (like a cardboard antler head or a gadget that makes guitar picks out of old credit cards). I tried to include some handmade and fair-trade items (like handmade ceramics and fair-trade chocolate) and some eco-friendly items (like re-usable shopping bags and artsy dish . . .
Mom’s escape to Tulum, Mexico
Last month, The Moms reach out to me to see if I wanted to join them on a mom’s get-away trip to Tulum, Mexico. The trip was a visit to the all-inclusive Dreams Resort in Tulum. I had previously visited a Dreams resort in Costa Rica with Jafta, and I was really impressed with the hotel and all of the amenities. It was easy to say yes.And it didn't hurt that my friend Sarah James was also going, and it was her birthday weekend. Moms get away, indeed! I had never been to Tulum, but always heard . . .
What it’s like to raise a transracial family
Yahoo asked me to do an interview and profile for their “What It’s Like” parenting series, talking about transracial adoption. I had a little trepidation, because it’s a difficult topic to do by interview. When I’m writing on race, I can edit and craft my own words. But this was an hour-long interview cut down to four minutes. I was worried about what would be conveyed. It’s such a touchy subject. I was really please when I got to watch the video and read the story. I feel like they did a great . . .
Holiday Gift Guide for New Moms 2015
*Since I'm a bit out of the baby stage and didn't feel qualified, my assistant (and new mom) Lindsey Anthony-Bacchione is stepping in to provide her picks for the best gifts for new moms. *Starting from the top left and moving right. 1. Milk Snob Paparazzi Car Seat Cover | I think this is my favorite new mom secret weapon. First, how cool are these? I can't tell you how many people have asked me where I got this. Second, it is a great way to keep people . . .
Advent calendars for slackers
Our family has never done an advent calendar. It’s not a tradition I grew up with, and it just seemed like a lot of work. I have friends who give small gifts every day of advent. I have other friends who give a piece of candy. But with 4 kids and 24 days, I just didn’t want that much candy doled out, nor did I want plastic trinkets or items that they wouldn’t use. Also, on the practical side, I struggled to find an advent calendar with pockets or doors big enough to fit four items inside, and . . .
Friendsgiving 2015
We have been doing a neighborhood potluck during the week of Thanksgiving for 14 years now. However, for the first time in 15 years, we live in a new neighborhood. And we don’t have as many friends in our new neighborhood. We had a really tight crew in our previous hood, but we are still getting to know people since moving in May. The kids love this tradition, so we decided we would still invite our old neighbors. And then some parents of their friends. And some friends from Beer and Hymns. And, . . .
Wednesday Child: Luke & Lilly
Every Wednesday I feature a child recently highlighted by a local Wednesday's Child newscast to share the stories of children from around the country who are waiting for a family. My hope is that this can broaden exposure for the children highlighted, but also serve as a reminder that these children represent thousands of children currently in the foster-care system. Perhaps their stories will inspire you to consider opening your home to a child needing a family. For more information and to . . .
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