What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest post is by Taylor. My brother entered my world in 1993. I was three years old. My parents had no idea he was going to be born with genetic abnormalities until they were in the delivery room. . . .
Gifts That Give Back 2015
1. Navy Sole Hope Jacket | Sole Hope *Sole Hope effectively puts in place preventive methods to combat diseases that enter through the feet and to create a positive physical and spiritual difference in the lives of individuals in impoverished communities. 2. Key Cuff | The Giving Keys *The Giving Keys exists to employ those transitioning out of homelessness to make jewelry out of repurposed keys that get sold and shared around the world. 3. Abera Crossbody Tote . . .
Wednesday’s Child: Aaliya & Neliseya “Nel”
Every Wednesday I feature a child recently highlighted by a local Wednesday's Child newscast to share the stories of children from around the country who are waiting for a family. My hope is that this can broaden exposure for the children highlighted, but also serve as a reminder that these children represent thousands of children currently in the foster-care system. Perhaps their stories will inspire you to consider opening your home to a child needing a family. For more information and to . . .
10 photos of Canada showing the world how to love refugees
Canada is showing the world a thing or two about extending love to refugees. Soon after he was elected in October, their new Prime Minister pledged to welcome 25,000 people fleeing war-torn Syria by the end of February. Refugees in Canada will be privately funded . . . by churches, non-profits, and individuals, and will be settled in more than 100 communities across Canada. The is a sharp contrast to the US, who has said it will accept just 10,000 refugees over the next year, . . .
That’s what SHE said: An open letter to Jerry Falwell Jr, Instagram husbands, the psychology of hate, debunking myths about cultural appropriation, find out how many people have been shot near you, Banksy’s newest art piece, and more…
INSTAGRAM HUSBAND AN OPEN LETTER TO JERRY FALWELL JR, STUDENTS AND FACULTY OF LIBERTY UNIVERSITY | huffingtonpost.com Author of New Kind of Christianity and Naked Spirituality, Brian D. McLauren addresses Jerry Falwell Jr.'s inflammatory remarks to students at Liberty University to arm themselves to "end those Muslims" before they kill them and "to teach them a lesson if they ever show up" at Liberty University..."Your reckless words can easily render your students vulnerable to more . . .
Blue Apron at the holidays
This post was sponsored by Blue Apron I have professed my love for Blue Apron time and again. I have been using it consistently for the past couple of months. I typically get two meals a week, and I sincerely feel like it has continued to hone my cooking skills. I was a little curious about how I could leverage Blue Apron for the holidays. The week before Thanksgiving, I logged into my account and chose a meal that I thought could work well for bringing to our family Thanksgiving. I went with . . .
What I want you to know about living with a husband who suffers from erectile dysfunction
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest post is by browneyes. My husband suffers from erectile dysfunction and the last time we had sex was about 1.5 years ago. I stopped counting. I couldn't bear any longer to count. We no . . .
Wednesday’s Child: David
Every Wednesday I feature a child recently highlighted by a local Wednesday's Child newscast to share the stories of children from around the country who are waiting for a family. My hope is that this can broaden exposure for the children highlighted, but also serve as a reminder that these children represent thousands of children currently in the foster-care system. Perhaps their stories will inspire you to consider opening your home to a child needing a family. For more information and to . . .
What I want you to know about adopting a child with deaf-blindness
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest post is by Elizabeth. What I want you to know is that we are not saints because we adopted an older child with special needs. No, it was not part of our plan to adopt a child with medical . . .
Yoga class by Karis
We still haven’t furnished our living room, thanks to rennovation hold-ups, so it’s just a big room with nothing but a rug. Which means the kids think it’s a giant romper room. The other night they decided it was a yoga studio, and Karis was the teacher. Here she is, teaching a move that she is just learning herself. Careful trying this at home. . . .
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