Did you watch Downton last night? Sarah James an I are still reeling from the stuff that happening in the last episode. Here is our recap of episode 3 of season 4. . . .
Mama Said: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
On this episode of Mama Said, Sarah and I are talking about kids and lying . . . how to encourage honesty and how to handle it when they fail. Not that our perfect children would ever lie. Nooooo. How about you? Do you have any strategies for dealing with lying? . . .
What I want you to know about raising black sons
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is written by Jenn M. Jackson from Water Cooler Convos. I Kiss My Sons Last month we celebrated “Christmas Sunday.” For most Christians, it is the Sunday that entails mini-reunions at church, big . . .
The Bachelor Recap: Episode 2 in Juan Pablo’s search for love
Sarah James and I love recapping Downton Abbey, but we decided we might as well stop pretending that we are high-brow PBS types when The Bachelor is our first tv love. I know, I know. The show is AWFUL. Every season I vow to stop watching. I find the whole premise skeevy, especially the inevitable fantasy suite date where the bachelor spends the night with three different women in some attempt to kick the tires before he buys test the limits of a 10-day dose of zythromax get to know the . . .
Questions of Eternal Significance: Do you believe love is a choice?
Mark and I went to a play at South Coast Rep this weekend called Trudy and Max in Love. It was exactly what I love about a good play – a character and relationship study that makes you evaluate your own beliefs. This particular play explored the themes of love and attraction, as the characters grappled with whether or not love is a choice or a spiritual connection that is outside the realm of our control. It was a fascinating play – if you are local, I definitely recommend it. The play . . .
Dishing on Downton Abbey Season 4 Episode WHY CAN’T ANNA BE HAPPY FOR ONE SECOND WHY
Sarah and I thought the first episode was a snoozer but things picked up in Episode 2 . . . though perhaps not the way we would have liked. Oh, and by the way . . . our last episode was incomplete. Sarah and I cheated and watched the British episodes of Downton Abbey when they aired, and the American premiere was actually two episodes combined together. So the second half of the show was not included in our “premiere” recap, but can be watched here. . . .
That’s what SHE said 1/12/14
Relational Repair For "The Difficult" | Jen Hatkmaker I’ve been a jerky, irritated, short-tempered, impatient Icky Mom to this child for a few weeks. I’ve been my worst self. Where loving attention was called for, I gave short answers. When a simple answer was required, I sighed. When the last dregs of daily parenting just needed a short book and a few (more) minutes of conversation, I said we didn’t have to read on Christmas break and hollered in a six-second prayer from the other room. It’s . . .
Mama Said | Babysitters: Where to Find One and How Much to Pay
On this episode of Mama Said, Sarah and I are talking about babysitters: where we find them, how we vet them, and how much to pay. How about you? Do you have any strategies for finding a good sitter? . . .
Questions of Eternal Significance: Did you make New Year’s resolutions?
I am a goal-oriented person, and I love the idea of New Year’s resolutions. However, I have really struggling with meeting mine for the past two years. In part, I think it’s because my goals were less about “doing” and more about “being”. I could kick some butt with a task-related resolution list, but doing things like slowing down and being more present. Hard. So hard for me. [source] These are the resolutions I made and failed for the past two years running, and continue to need to work . . .
Inspiring New Year’s Resolutions That Actually Worked
New Year’s resolutions . . . I’ve always made them, but I rarely follow through with all of them. Everyone’s that way, right? So for inspiration this year, I started looking for resolution success stories—people who made a major life change on January 1 and stayed with it all year long with life-changing results. Over at Babble, I’ve featured a few of those stories, from learning to walk again to becoming less materialistic to quitting the practice of gossip. Maybe they’ll give you some ideas, . . .
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