I've mentioned this before, but we're a little Amish about tv shows in our house. It's not that I'm a total pearl-clutcher about today's tv programming . . . but I'm just not a fan of the over-the-top sarcasm, eye-rolling, and parental disrespect that seems so prevalent in the tv shows geared for kids. We've outgrown Doc McStuffins and Jake and the Neverland Pirates, but we're not quite ready for the tween fare. (A few too many episodes of Jessie and Karis was starting to end every sentence . . .
What I want you to know about having a daughter with cancer
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest post is by Amy Vogel. I want people to know that our daughter having cancer was the most important thing to ever happen to us. It changed us for the better - but not just us. Our . . .
Questions of eternal significance: Candy corn: tasty or disgusting?
I’m seeing people start to wax poetically (pun intended) about it being candy corn season. I DO NOT GET IT. I am not a fan. It just tastes like I’m eating a candle. No flavor. Bland texture. It’s not fruity or chocolately . . . it doesn’t taste like anything. Blech. No thank you. via pleated-jeans.com What about you? Are you pro candy corn? . . .
My nephew talks back-to-school at NYU
This post was sponsored by Invisalign® clear aligners. My nephew and mom are receiving complimentary Invisalign treatment as they share their Invisalign journey. It's been a couple months now since I've started documenting my nephew’s journey with Invisalign clear aligners. For those of you who are not familiar with Invisalign Teen®, it’s a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that are used to gradually (and discreetly) straighten teeth. My nephew is a theater student who really . . .
What I want you to know about living with adult ADHD
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest post is by Teresa Newsome. What I want you to know about living with adult ADHD, more than anything, is how hard I try.If you’re exploring a diagnosis or living through one, you can glean a . . .
Wednesday’s Child: Lee
Every Wednesday I feature a child recently highlighted by a local Wednesday's Child newscast to share the stories of children from around the country who are waiting for a family. My hope is that this can broaden exposure for the children highlighted, but also serve as a reminder that these children represent thousands of children currently in the foster-care system. Perhaps their stories will inspire you to consider opening your home to a child needing a family. For more information and to . . .
September in retrospect: Africa, Sound of Music, Beer and Hymns, and Disneyland
September was a full month. It started with my trip to Ethiopia with Help One Now, which was a great success. Our team really clicked and I felt great about the organization and their local leadership. But best of all, we met our goal! 300 new sponsors for kids at risk of becoming poverty orphans. We checked our donation page just as we were flying home to learn that we’d met our goal and it was such a good feeling. Thank you to everyone who chose to support a family. You are changing lives. . . .
What I want you to know about dressing to please a guy
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest post is by an anonymous writer. When I met my current boyfriend, I was waltzing around in tacky Forever 21 party tops, unintentionally ripped American Eagle jeans, and Ugg boots. Then, one night I . . .
It gets better: the mall edition
I feel like a lot of my writing about parenting lately has an"it gets better" theme. But I have to say, I am enjoying my kids more and more each passing day during this season of life. Don't get me wrong - I've always enjoyed being a mom. But when the kids were little, those peaceful, happy moments together were also interspersed with diaper changes and tantrums and cleaning food off the floor. I wrote last week about how life has gotten so much easier, and yesterday I had an experience that put . . .
That’s what SHE said: Clair Huxtable, the fallacy of diversity, team Fitz vs. Jake, white people in khakis, and more . . .
Justice Then Reconciliation | Austin Channing Brown Reconciliation requires more than a rainbow of skin-tones at the 11:00 o’clock service. Diversity without justice is assimilation. And assimilation makes clear whose culture is the favored one, the good one, the right one, the holy one. If your culture is the standard for rightness, you have found the Imago Dei in others to be insufficient. It is the definition of racism- the assumed superiority of your race, your culture, your way of being. . . .
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