Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.- Melody Beattie . . .
DEF malingering - a psychological term that refers to an individual fabricating or exaggerating the symptoms of physical disorders for personal motivesA few weeks ago, Jafta had to have a breathing treatment late a night. The fires were raging, and his lungs sounded bad, so we let him cuddle up on the couch and watch Backyardigans way past his bedtime. I think he loved that little moment of being up with mommy and daddy after sister was asleep.Now, miraculously, every night before bedtime he . . .
I Double-Dog Dare You to Pray This
My blogger-friend Christine, an adoptive mom and sassy pastor's wife, posted this prayer on her blog for National Adoption Month. I just dare you to pray it. Seriously. Just say the words out loud. No commitment, no radical shift. Just a prayer . . .God, have you told me NOT to adopt? I find myself saying that somepeople are called to it, and I'm not one of those people. Would you please showme if I'm just using that as an excuse? Are you calling me, and I'm ignoringyou? These people I know that . . .
Porn for New Moms
Okay, it's not really porn. But we think this is one funny book/ Every page has a cute guy saying phrases that every new mom finds attractive: "Remember, tonight's my feeding- don't wake up!" We love the concept, and at $12, it's a great shower gift that's sure to get passed around. You can find it on Amazon,.Pics and quotes via Glamour. . . .
How a handfull of cheerios ended India’s modeling career
{at the rehearsal before the show. notice: Cheerios in hand = compliant toddler}India had her first (and last) modeling gig today. It was a runway show for Simple Shoes at a swanky hotel in Laguna Beach. She had one task: walk down the runway, turn around, walk back. Let's just say things did not go as planned, and I don't think we will be asked back. In truth, I really haven't pursued any kind of modeling stuff for her, even though people often tell me I should. But I heard about the show . . .
The Name Game
Mark and I have a ridiculously hard time coming up with names for our kids. I don't know what our deal is. We are both picky, and we both have strong opinions. We also like unusual names. But finding one we both like, and agree on, and can commit to . . . that's difficult. We didn't decide on India's name until the nurse walked in with the birth certificate. I'd like to be a little more planned this time.So here we are again, stumped on girl names. Help us out!! I put the ones we like best so . . .
Little Boy Bowling
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt . . . . . .
Pumpkin Patch
We went to the pumpkin patch earlier this month, and the kids were so excited to pick out their new pumpkins. Jafta has been asking me to make pumpkin pie every day since. What is he thinking?? That is way too much work. Maybe I will buy one at Whole Foods and pretend like I made it while he was asleep. Because that's the kind of mom I am. . . .
The Asthmatics
No, this isn't the name of a new emo band. Jafta and I are, unfortunately, the asthmatics.Asthma is a weird thing. For us, it's something I totally forget about all spring and summer. Every year I think, wow, Jafta's asthma is totally gone! And then fall hits, and we are back to negotiating with the nebulizer.(Jafta watching Baby Einstein with his nebulizer at 7 months old)Having grown up with asthma, I know how gnarly some of those inhaled steroids are. I do my best to deal with his asthma (and . . .
Twighlight Madness
Okay, so I've gone over to the dark side, and been totally sucked into the Twighlight series. Yeah, that's right, the vampire books for high school girls. I'm on book 3, and despite my initial judgement, turns out I'm really enjoying it. Yes, it's adolescent literature. Yes, it's pretty much chic-lit porn for mormons. But somewhow, between the descriptions of Edward's velvety voice and chiseled muscles, there is a really really good story.I stumbled across this description on a hilarious blog . . .
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