Okay, so I’ve gone over to the dark side, and been totally sucked into the Twighlight series. Yeah, that’s right, the vampire books for high school girls. I’m on book 3, and despite my initial judgement, turns out I’m really enjoying it. Yes, it’s adolescent literature. Yes, it’s pretty much chic-lit porn for mormons. But somewhow, between the descriptions of Edward’s velvety voice and chiseled muscles, there is a really really good story.
Anway, come Friday night, a group of us will be standing in line with half the teenaged girls in The OC to see the movie version. Bonnie, I blame you for starting all of this!! ๐
“This is all completely accurate. All of it. And yet . . . I can’t put it down.”
Did you get to the 4th one yet? It was the first time in a long time that I spit on a book and threw it across the room. ๐
I totally agree with Sue (Navel Gazing) on this too. But like you, I can’t stop reading them. Maybe that’s a problem ๐
They are so good in that respect, totally sucking me in (pun intended) even though the whole time I’m reading I’m thinking “Bella is so annoying.”
And I kept thinking of Edward as an old man in a hot body and it disturbs me.
That picture of Mark is HILARIOUS!!!
P.S. I’m only on book 2
Is it bad that I try to coax my son to nap, and then hope he sleeps a long time, just so I can read it? Also, is it bad that it’s taken me two days to read 250 pages, but I’ve read 250 pages of Connecticut Yankee in two months?
It’s like a vampirey written version of Dawson’s Creek, and I just can’t stop.
I keep reading – up all night – all the while thinking…it’s not even that good. This is a middle school romance novel, but I just keep reading. What is wrong with me???
you are so very welcome! have fun at the midnight showing! I will be in idaho, but i convinced cy to see it with me and his little sister!! YES!!!! im goign to text you and sona and jen, because then i will feel like i am with other fans in spirit. too bad i could not just run really really fast to see it here and then run really really fast back to idaho, and never have to sleep. im sure there are plenty of deer between there and here.
I liked them too. And my degrees are both in literature. ๐
You should see how many of middle schoolers are reading them right now.
So basically it is your fault that my kids woke up from my out of control laughing!!!
You need to go here and read this http://otahyoni.livejournal.com/130432.html
right now.
Off to re-put them to bed.
Husband Mark here –
Alright, so I read it… I’m OK with that. I am more concerned with how I am going to see the movie(which opens in 24 hours by the way). Kristen is going with her girlfriends and I know none of my friends read the book, so am I going to the movie by myself… no that is too creepy. Sorry babe, you’ll have to see it again with me, or I’m crashing your girls night.
P.S. I love football and motorcycles!
I think this is the first blog that I’ve ever come across where I want to read every single post.
I was like you with the Twilight series… one of the last to pick it up. But, I got hooked. The fourth book was my fave.
Terrific post ๐