I’ve been wanting to give the bento box concept another go. We had some a few years ago, and while I loved the idea of reducing waste with it, the kind I bought kept falling open in their backpacks. I’ve heard great things about the Goodbyn Bynto brand so when I saw some on Amazon for $9 I snatched them up. While we were pursuing the dollar aisle at Target, as we always do, India found a cell phone bling packet and had the idea to use it as decoration on her new lunch box. I thought it was a . . .
Lessons from my 28th year
I had a very charmed childhood. It was full of the normal childhood angst: fights with friends, heartbreak over boys, and frustration about my hair. But it was relatively trauma-free. I grew up in a good home. I was never abused. No one close to me ever died. We never struggled with money. I had everything I needed. Not everything I wanted (hello, Easy Bake Oven, someday you will be mine.) But my childhood was happy and content. My college years were also happy years. I had a great time at . . .
An alternative vaccination schedule (modified from Dr. Sears)
As I mentioned last week, tomorrow is the big day where Shot at Life will be offering a free vaccination for comments on my post. I will be posting about my 28th year - which was the hardest year of my life so far. I talked a bit about why I think vaccines are so important in this post. I also mentioned that I still understand the concerns about vaccinating young children and the potential overwhelm of so many shots at once. A few people asked about the alternative schedule I used and I thought . . .
What I want you to know about talking to your kids about sex
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is by Dr Janet Rosenzweig. As a sex educator, I'm used to being the odd person out. Unless hanging out with colleagues, I'm usually the only person in a group who will speak frankly about sexuality . . .
10 tips for proving you’re a grown-up (for Miley Cyrus and other young adult pop stars)
Last night Miley Cyrus attempted to show us that she’s all growed up with a sexed-up performance at MTV’s Video Music Awards. We’ve seen this story before: young pop star tries to shed her Disney image by giving an R-rated performance on national television. And while I can see that this tactic is tempting for someone trying to prove they’re no longer a child, I’m here to humbly offer some tips for proving you’re a grown-ass woman that don’t involve showing said ass. Now, you might be wondering . . .
How to find ethically-produced kids clothing at affordable prices
I have been on a quest to try to buy more fair-trade items, and kids clothing has been a challenge. Then tends to be a huge mark-up price on ethically-sourced kids clothes, when can be quite a sticker shock when you are accustomed to paying Old Navy prices. I’ve found some great sources for kids’ clothes at affordable prices, mostly relying on flash sale sites. The downside of flash sale sites is that you have to check in frequently, but I have created a Pinterest board which I update with sales . . .
that’s what SHE said: interracial friendships, mistaking The Onion as real, things Christians should stop saying, and more . . .
Interracial Friendships Are Not A 'Struggle' For Me | Nina Bahadur I would like to bring a different perspective to the table: for me, interracial friendships — and romantic relationships — are currently not a struggle. I don’t foresee them becoming one, though you never know what is around the next corner. There should always be respect and vulnerability when we talk about our personal experiences of race in America, but I am not willing to simply give up on the idea of interracial friendship . . .
Mama Said: Coping with insomnia (and some questions about medical marijuana)
This month on Mama Said, Sarah and I are talking about our struggles with insomnia . . . what we’ve tried, what works, and what doesn’t: We also talk about medical marijuana, which has been suggested to both of us but we’re ambivalent about: Have you ever struggled with insomnia? How did you cope? And would you ever consider medical marijuana? . . .
what i want you to know…marriage troubles
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is by an Aria. I'm not much of a writer. Never really have been. I'm also (probably) very very bad with grammar. It is what has stopped me so many times from writing and sending anything to Rage . . .
What I want you to know about parenting a preemie
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest posts is by Lindsay. What I want you to know is that having a preemie is really, really scary. When I was little, I had a Cabbage Patch Kid that was a “preemie.” His name was Christopher and he was chubby . . .
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