I have been on a quest to try to buy more fair-trade items, and kids clothing has been a challenge. Then tends to be a huge mark-up price on ethically-sourced kids clothes, when can be quite a sticker shock when you are accustomed to paying Old Navy prices. I’ve found some great sources for kids’ clothes at affordable prices, mostly relying on flash sale sites. The downside of flash sale sites is that you have to check in frequently, but I have created a Pinterest board which I update with sales on organic, green, or fair-trade items for kids that are on sale. Here are a few sales going on right now: Kate Quinn Organics Kate Quinn Organics currently has a sale at Zulily. These clothes, for boys and girls, are super soft, organic and fairly traded. I love the colors and modern look.
All Good Living Kid Zulily also has a current sale on All Good Living Kids tees for boys and girls. Every piece is made in the USA with fair-labor practices.
Serendipity Organics Gilt is another great source for organic and fair-trade clothing at a discount. They currently have a sale on Serendipity Organics, a Scandinavian-designed company with clothes made of GOTS-certified woven cotton.
Moxie and Mabel Another current sale at Zulily: Moxie & Mabel. Their unique blend of vintage and retro design started nine years ago and has since become a favorite in boutiques across the country. All designs are made here in the US Atsuyo et Akiko Another great organic brand currently featured at Gilt is Atsuyo et Akiko. Brooklyn-based designers Atsuyo Kang and Akiko Mukae have been turning out whimsical children’s clothing, jewelry, accessories, and home décor items adorned with fun little charms or hand-screened with quirky prints.
Tea Collection Tea Collection is always reasonably priced but they also have great sales. In additional to priding their company on being good global citizens, they also partner with The Global Fund for Children is to advance the dignity of children and youth around the world.
Krochet Kids Krochet Kids employs impoverished women in Uganda and Peru to make crocheted beanies and other items. The women earn a fair trade and their children are cared for while they work. Krochet Kids has lots of cute hats for kids, and is started a children’s accessories line this fall.
Kinderstuff Kinderstuff is a clothing company dedicated to finding a solution to the fact that kids outgrow their clothes so quickly. They sell organic clothing that you can send back to be recycled once outgrown. Clothes are either sold as hand-me-downs, given to charity or recycled (shipping is free), then you choose new items in your child’s current size and enjoy a discount on your new purchase. The company will be expanding within the next six months to carry sizes up to six years so little one’s and parents will have plenty of options.
Bento Lunch Box While this isn’t clothing, Zulily also has a sale on the earth-friendly bento lunch box, which reduces waste for packed lunches. Do you try to buy ethical clothes for yourself or your kids? Have you found any resources for fair-trade clothing that are easy on the budget?
Do you know of a company that has kids shoes?
And have you heard of Trades of Hope?