that’s what SHE said: the work of marriage, the problem with outsourcing, life after motherhood, inequity in schools, the legacy of Joe Pa, and more…
Scenes From A Marriage: January Kill | Flux Capacitor I want the bedroom to still. I want my sons to move quietly and my daughter to stop talking and asking and claiming and my baby to stop begging for breast every half hour and I want to lay on the mattress and feel adored and adoring. I want the mean slow freeze of January to release my husband. January is hard for him. Which makes it hard for me. I watch his angry, frustrated face, tired of being exhausted and struggling . . .
what I want you to know: life with an auto-immune disease
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s post is by an anonymous reader. Life with an autoimmune disease is different everyday. Some days I look "sick" and no you don't need to tell me that I already know. On the days when my . . .
the slacker mom’s guide to homemade photo cards for valentine’s day
I’m not really a “handmade card” kind of mom. I think it’s lovely that other moms are, but at this stage in our family there is usually just not enough time in the day for me to indulge in my creative side . . . beyond staring at the things other people are doing on Pinterest. With Valentine’s Day approaching, though, I did decide to make some homemade cards, inspired in part by cards like this one. But, if I’m to be totally honest, it was also inspired by my desire to not have . . .
goodbye to the double stroller
I sold my double stroller on Craig’s List over the weekend. It’s hard to explain the freedom I feel about this particular milestone. It’s been a long time coming – I’ve kept it around for the occasion big outing but finally I decided it was time for us to part ways. I’ve been schlepping a double stroller around for six years now –six years of pulling that monster in and out of my trunk. Six years of not fitting through doorways . . . of strategizing stairwells . . . of . . .
that’s what SHE said: diversity, gray hairs, moms against moms, oppression olympics, political hypocrisy, sexist LEGO’s, and the pursuit of happiness
{click on the title to read the whole post} On the wide world and why it matters | Chookooloonks Since returning home from the funeral, I've been thinking about how much immigration and emigration are such a huge part of my personal story. If my great-grandfather hadn't immigrated to Trinidad from China and met his Asian/Amerindian wife, my paternal grandmother wouldn't have been born. My paternal grandfather's story is similar, with the immigration of his Barbadian family to . . .
parenting a toddler: the cycle of despair
This is how I found Karis's room, not ten minutes after spending an hour in there putting things away. If it is ever discovered that I've thrown my body in front of a moving vehicle in a psychotic rage, this is why, people. THIS IS WHY. . . .
interview with taye diggs about his new book “chocolate me”
Last week, I was asked to take part in a phone interview with Taye Diggs about his new children’s book called Chocolate Me. Yes . . . that Taye Diggs. I responded (perhaps too quicky?) and let his people know that I was a fangirl and a Renthead, and that I was really, really, super-duper dorky excited, and despite me acting like an adolescent girl about it, they still let me interview him. Let me explain my feelings about Taye Diggs. First, there is this: This was . . .
Black Was Once A Color to Me: Reflections of a White Father of Black Children on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
{This is a guest post from my friend Ian DiOrio.} Black was once a color to me, and only a color. The remainder of all colors collected and melded into one. The conglomeration of lighter and brighter colors, mixed upon and within one another to create the darkness of black. Black is the color without color; black is light without light. At least that is how I used to see black, when it was only a color to me. Today black is no longer a color, only a color; it is a social history, a narrative in . . .
how to talk to kids about race and racism
Last week I expressed some concern about whether or not my first-grader was old enough to be learning about some of the more violent aspects of the civil rights movement and slavery. One of the frustrating outcomes of that conversation is that a few people misinterpreted my concern as being over conversations about race in general . . . which couldn’t be further from the truth. I am a firm believer that we should be talking to our kids about racial differences from a very young age. . . .
. . . let us be dissatisfied until those that live on the outskirts of hope are brought into the metropolis of daily security.
"So, I conclude by saying again today that we have a task and let us go out with a "divine dissatisfaction." Let us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a high blood pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds. Let us be dissatisfied until the tragic walls that separate the outer city of wealth and comfort and the inner city of poverty and despair shall be crushed by the battering rams of the forces of justice. Let us be dissatisfied until those that live on . . .
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