On this episode of Mama Said, Sarah and I are talking about the areas where we scrimp vs. where we splurge in our budget. How about you? What are the things you splurge on? Where do you tighten the belt? . . .
10 Rules for Raising Independent Kids
We’ve all run into them before: People who seem to have no idea how to function in the real world. High schoolers who can’t keep track of their own school assignments. College kids who have never done a load of laundry. Young adults who know how to upload a video to YouTube but have no idea how to prepare a meal. And as much as we want to blame Facebook or liberals or “kids these days” for these shortcomings, the truth is that parents can be a significant part of the problem. While I think the . . .
Duck Dynasty, first amendment rights, and Christian values
My facebook feed has been lit up with people responding to the suspension of Phil, the patriarch of A & E’s popular Duck Dynasty reality show. For full disclosure . . . I watch this show and enjoy it. Sarah James turned me on to it and I find the family to be inexplicably endearing. They all have a great sense of humor about themselves and I appreciate the clearly loving family dynamic. They live a lifestyle that is completely different from mine, yet I find them somehow relatable and . . .
What I want you to know: Adoption can be selfish
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest post is by Kathy. Adoption is not an unselfish act. We didn’t choose adoption because we wanted to help a child or save him/her from a terrible life. We chose it because it was the only way to grow . . .
What I want you to know: I married young and that’s okay
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s guest post is by Shelley Armenta. Marriage isn’t exactly an eyebrow raiser. Most people are raised with the belief that marriage is a rite of passage. What makes my marriage seem crazy to so many people is the . . .
The gift of music
I grew up in a muscial family. My father played guitar, he and my mom were both singers, and all of us took piano lessons. It was not unusual for us to do impromptu shows or to break into song throughout the day. I loved growing up around music – both listening to it and creating it. Earlier this year I went to Idea Camp and stayed in a house with about 16 other friends. Some of the guys brought guitar and every evening we had a sing-along. It reminded me of how much fun music is, and . . .
Some thoughts on Black Santa
There has been a lot of talk in the past week about the race of Santa, as a Fox News anchor had an on-air rant about the “fact” that Santa (and Jesus) are both white. Now, Santa is a fictional character who lives in the North Pole, and last I heard Jesus was from the Middle East. Santa’s race seems like it could be a fluid thing that could change based on context. Jesus’s . . . not so much. Though judging by the preponderance of blond Jesus pictures I saw in my childhood, it seems . . .
That’s what SHE said: third culture kids, a flowchart for gendered toys, Jesus vs. Ayn Rand, the pornification of pop culture and more . . .
The Third Culture Kid’s Struggle To Fit In | Paige Porter For Djibouti Jones I would need to play along like music and football are important to me too. I would need to pretend I care about the things they care about and stay quiet when ignorant or hurtful things are said about the poor about the minority or about the hurting. I would not be free to explain my heart and the things I’ve learned to love because of my beloved third-world country that raised me. The thing is, it feels to me like . . .
How to involve your kids in sports without ruining your weekend
I've written before about how hard it is to balance all of my kids' activities. My kids are involved in music lessons, dance, chess club, scouts, and sports, and it's hard to keep everyone going in extra-circulars without sacrificing quality family time (and downtime). I've found this to be particularly true with sports. Previously, having each of the kids in a sport has meant that we have four kids on four different teams, usually translating to multiple nights of practice. And then don't even . . .
Family Portraits 2013
One of the traditions that is a part of our holiday season is getting a family portrait taken. I’m sentimental about family portraits. Since I’m usually the one behind the camera, it’s rare that I get photos of myself with the kids. I love that hiring someone gives us a series of pictures as a family together, and captures that stage in time. This year, I hired Kristin Rogers to take our photos. I’ve been a longtime fan of her work on instagram and was thrilled to find out she is local to me. . . .
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