I grew up in a muscial family. My father played guitar, he and my mom were both singers, and all of us took piano lessons. It was not unusual for us to do impromptu shows or to break into song throughout the day. I loved growing up around music – both listening to it and creating it.
Earlier this year I went to Idea Camp and stayed in a house with about 16 other friends. Some of the guys brought guitar and every evening we had a sing-along. It reminded me of how much fun music is, and how I wanted to give my kids the gift of partaking in it’s creation. I decided I wanted to get more serious about helping the kids learn to make music, because it’s something that can be enjoyed throughout their entire life.
Over the summer, my kids had attended a rock star camp with Dexter Music Academy and I decided to enroll them in some private lessons.
Jafta and India are taking drum lessons.
It’s been so fun to watch them get excited. India is kicking butt on the drums . . . who knew? I found this little note she made the other day. Love it.
Kembe, India, and Jafta are all learning guitar and bass.
We do lessons once a week, with guitar in the living room and drums in the “music room” (Jafta’s room). We do our best to practice every day, and I have to say so far the kids are pretty enthusiastic about it.
It has inspired Mark and I to brush up on our skills, too. I’ve been trying to learn the guitar myself as well.
It has been fun to see them apply what they’ve been learning. “Playing band” is a new favorite activity. It sounds pretty horrible at this point, but they are learning cooperation and trying to work out arrangements of their favorite songs.

We went to a birthday party the other day and my boys spontaneously grabbed some guitars and sang to the birthday girl. I love seeing it “click” . . . that all their practice can lead to more fun.
Music lessons can be pricey, so this Christmas I’ve asked the grandparents for music lessons for the kids. If you are local to Orange County and are interested in doing the same, check out Dexter Music Academy. They have teachers for many instruments and offer gift certificates so that you can put music on your wish list.