There are a few aspects of our family that I have intentionally chosen not to blog about, particularly things that are specific to one of the kids. I’ve decided to open up, just briefly, about the fact that Jafta has sensory processing disorder (SPD). I’m revealing this for two reasons. First, I have a feeling that other adoptive families have children struggling with sensory issues and could benefit from our story. But also, I want to talk about a book I’ve just . . .
anticipatory behaviors (this week in iphone photos)
This past weekend, we took a trip to Palm Springs to celebrate Mark’s birthday with some friends. This was a rather ill-timed trip, given that it fell just a few days after I returned from BlogHer. I was still trying to catch up on sleep, work, laundry, emails, down-time, and general sanity, and suddenly it was Thursday morning, the day we were supposed to leave. The kids were out-of-their-minds excited for the trip, which manifested in them basically nagging me every five . . .
that’s what SHE said: racially problematic edition
This week there were some interesting conversations about race buzzing around the internet Some of it was encouraging – some of it rather discouraging I saw people creating drama over non-issues (cake) in attention-seeking efforts while ignoring the many racial issues that are actually plaguing society, I saw people being defensive over critical discussions of Great White Hope trends in media – again, perhaps more outrage being given to a movie being dissected that than . . .
what I want you to know:mothering my mother
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s post is by an anonymous reader.. My mom (along with my dad) immigrated to this country in 1969. She escaped from a communist country. She spoke no English. She left everything she knew to create a . . .
this week in iphone photos: blogher edition
This past week was BlogHer, so before I left I had a little mani-pedi session with India, in a joint effort to both make my feet presentable and assuage my guilt for leaving for the weekend. After learning that hotel parking was $26 a night, I decided to take the train down to San Diego. It ended up being really relaxing, and I had a chance to chat with Ciaran and assemble some of my marketing materials for the conference. (I stole this photo from her page.) This would have been a . . .
hollywood moms, boyfriend tattoos, and mother-related food issues
I’m back from a whirlwind weekend at BlogHer in San Diego, and while I’m itching to share stories and photos, I’m also up to my eyeballs in unpacking, writing deadlines, and repacking. (That’s right. We are scheduled to leave for a family vacation four days after I returned home from BlogHer. Smart planning, right there.) While you wait with baited breath for that BlogHer recap, here are some other things I wrote: Over at MamaPop, I’m talking about a new cable show . . .
what I want you to know: my husband was deported
What I Want You to Know is a series of reader submissions. It is an attempt to allow people to tell their personal stories, in the hopes of bringing greater compassion to the unique issues each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, click here. Today’s post is by Stephanie. For some time, I have struggled. Do I tell my story or not? I can't tell you how many times I have written and re-written these words. However, as I sit here, on the eve of the 4th of July...I . . .
that’s what SHE said: life in the internet age edition
On Sundays, I like to link to things that I wish I’d written myself. Here are some good reads about navigating life in the age of the internet. These are just snippets, CLICK ON THE TITLE TO READ THE WHOLE POST. Should Kids Have a Computer in the Bedroom? from Curvy Girl Guide With all of the right steps taken, we felt pretty secure in [our son’s] web usage and stopped watching him with eagle eyes. Over the next few months, he started being tougher to wake up in . . .
bachelorette finale recap: ashley, ben and jp
Last night was the finale in Ashley’s journey to find love on The Bachelorette. Two men, one rose, and one really self-righteous sister who almost ruined it all. Let’s begin. We start the show with Ashley reading the obligatory script about her journey to find love, the fairytale romance, the last chapter of her love story, et al. I think it is the same monologue that begins every Bachelor/Bachelorette finale show. This is the part of the finale where I like to pee and make a . . .
how to stay sane at blogher
The drama. The egos. The social posturing. The politics. The parties. The private invites, the rejections, the corporate deals, the free stuff, the cat-fights over swag, the celebrities, the drinking, the dancing, the tattoos, the time Mike Tyson's tiger was found in Pioneer Woman’s hotel bathroom . . . BlogHer is crazy, ya’ll. This is gonna be one of those posts where I break the first rule about blogging: don’t blog about blogging. So if long posts about . . .
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