A group of us got together for a big night on the town last week, to see Martin Sexton at the House of Blues. The HOB in Hollywood has a “secret area” backstage called the Foundation Room. It’s a members-only room, reserved for backstage cavorting and celebrity elbow-rubbing. So of course, we all wanted to get in to the Foundation Room. I mean, if we’re all paying for sitters, go big or go home, right?

All joking aside, we had a really fun night. The food was amazing, the Foundation Room really is all that it’s cracked up to be, and we did end up sitting in the comfy house seats instead of in the standing-room-only crowd. For a tired pregnant lady wearing impractical high-heeled boots, that was the best part of the night!
Hey….I was there too!! I just go there late. No cute girl pics for me. Such an amazing night. Too bad I was so old and pooped out. Thank you for being our “publicist” and pushing for the hook up. The comfy seats were well worth it.
Kipp here> If those steps do not work, just do what I have done a couple of times, walk up the stairs on the side of HOB (by the gift shop). You end up on the deck and walk right in. The only thing is you do not have a wrist band, and you have to go to the bathrom you are SOL, since the restrooms are where security checks your wrist at the front door. I like your way better.
I’m going to give your tips the Seattle test when I see Over the Rhine at the Triple Door next month. Maybe I’ll be partying like a logger or a barista.
hey im going to see my all time fav band next month: Hanson, can you work your magic? Ill get you an autograph
i think you are pretty people so got the pretty seats.
I LOVE MARTIN SEXTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go, look him up on you tube, quick!
And, Kristen gets kudos forever for pretending to be big-time!
Act? I always thought you were a big deal!
I just hang out with Kipp. He acts like he is a big deal and gets me into swanky parties! :o)
Seriously, what is the deal with Kipp? He gets more hook-ups than anybody!