I’m not a Trump fan and I haven’t been quiet about that. But today, I wanted to talk about my own faith, and how my faith is compelling me to vote.
I have been a Christian my whole life. For a good portion of my life, I believed that voting Republican was a mandate of Christian faith. I went to a bible college where there was ONE guy who was a democrat, and people warned you about him in scandalized whispers, like they were warning you about a child molester. I voted for ALL THE BUSHES. I went to pro-life rallies. I volunteered at crisis pregnancy centers with the aim of talking women out of abortions.
One of the things that I learned in my time counseling women in unwanted pregnancies: no one wants an abortion. Sure, women may be grateful that it is a choice available to them. But nobody intentionally gets pregnant so that they can sign up for an invasive and uncomfortable medical procedure. As I got to know these women more, the solution (that should have been obvious to me before) was clear. The way to reduce abortions is to make sure women have access to birth control. The way to reduce abortions is to reduce unwanted pregnancies. Shaming women who seek an abortion, or making it illegal, is coming to a problem from the wrong angle. And here’s the wild thing: everyone wants to reduce abortions. I know it’s easy to characterize people who are pro-choice as pro-abortion but it’s simply not true. Most pro-choice politicians, including Biden and Harris, want to reduce unwanted pregnancies, not increase abortions.
I’ve also come to believe that pro-life should encompass much more than abortion. Being pro-life, for me, looks like providing access to medical care and making sure people have insurance. Right now, Trump is fighting to repeal the Affordable Care Act which will strip so many people of their medical insurance (myself included, as someone who has a pre-existing condition.) Being pro-life looks like being willing to look at our lax gun laws and how they contribute to our country having such terrible rates of gun violence. It looks like making sure kids are not kept in cages. It looks like modeling responsibility in the middle of a pandemic, instead of encouraging people to not take it seriously.
When I look at the example of Jesus, I see someone who was dedicated to caring for the oppressed. Scripture is clear that we are to care for the poor. Like, super clear. I know some people would argue that this should not happen through government but here’s the thing . . . it’s not happening through churches. Not nearly enough. Churches are not providing health insurance. They are not bailing our small businesses flailing in a pandemic or paying for college for every family who can’t afford it. They are not providing retirement income to every senior citizen. To think that churches can stand in the gap for all of the members of our country who are struggling is not realistic. At the end of the day, it makes sense to vote for a government that represents the needs of the people. It makes sense to have a government that will meet those needs. And while I do think there are good people who are Republican, I believe that at this time, the Democratic party has shown more devotion to helping those in need. I believe Trump has shown us that this is not a priority.
I also want to talk about integrity. I was a senior in college when Bill Clinton was impeached for having an affair. I remember so many Christians around me talking about the importance of integrity in a president. “If he lied about this, how can we trust him with anything?” And now, curiously, many of these same people have decided that they can tolerate a president who lies nearly every time he speaks to a journalist. Listen, I know politicians are gonna politic. But the erosion of integrity by our current president is beyond the pale. He presents things as fact that are not true. He gaslights. He does not correct when he has said something wrong. He has to be fact-checked constantly. This is NOT a typical politician. It’s far worse than anyone we’ve ever seen. To me, he is a man who exhibits very little integrity. And call me old-fashioned, but that matters to me.
Last, I want to talk about race. I hope I should not have to make a case about why Christians should be against racism in all forms. We have watched our president, for the past four years, incite racism to a boiling point in this country. He does it with plausible deniability, but it is too consistent to ignore. He is constantly signaling his base to be scared of minorities taking over. Under his presidency, we’ve watched militias and white-supremacy groups grow and flourish and they absolutely believe that they have the support of their president. Why is that? It’s because he’s goading it. He knows that xenophobia and fear will work with some of his supporters, so he lets it fest. He has attempted to remove accurate history from our children’s education. He denies racism. He casts aspersions on people of color. His flags are waived with pride at white supremacy events. None of this is okay.
I will be voting Biden-Harris this year because I believe they are the party with more integrity, more concern for the people, and most likely to bring unity instead of division. Biden has a long track-record of working across the aisle and we need that right now. I believe him to be a man of faith, and a man of integrity. I don’t think he’s perfect, but I’ve seen him own his mistakes in a way that I’ve never seen from Trump. I think he is compassionate and capable of empathy. That’s why he has my vote. #thisiswhy2020
If you are a person of faith voting for Biden, use the hashtag and share your reasons!
I encourage you to research where all these needs among society came from. There i believe the answer and solution will be. On another note what policies do you believe Biden has to offer the American people?
Lol no. Last nights debate was a classic example of their lies and deceit. Zero integrItY. Im not a fan of trump but i know when im being bullshitted.
All.of.this. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Excellent statement! Thank yoU! I especially appreciate comments about a broader and deeper interpretation of pro life. I recently wrote a piece that traces the core values in the biblical story. In sum, God does takes sides, and he is always on the side of the poOr, the oppressed and the rejected.
Excellent statement! Thank yoU! I especially appreciate comments about a broader and deeper interpretation of pro life. I recently wrote a piece that traces the core values in the biblical story. In sum, God does takes sides, and he is always on the side of the poOr, the oppressed and the rejected.
Thank YOU! This is EXACTLY what I have been in turmoil with this the past 4 years. I even changed my party and hated that being a Christian meant being associated with Trump. You have read my mind and given me great relief that I’mnot alone. Happy voting!
we don’t live in the US, and we don’t understand why people vote for trump, what’s wrong with people. here in europe we would never vote for a man like him. there are so many very bright, capable men and women that would be able to lead the us perfectly, but for some reason a man like trump is in power…..
Thanks! Good essay! I hope more people will share.
Most excellent!! Thank you for this…as a woman of faith I am in total agreement with all you said. Only difference…I’ve always voted Democrat!
Thank you!!
I love your message and i agree 100 percent! Thank you! #thisiswhy2020
What a beautiful, thoughtful statement.
May I send this to my sister, who sadly has been reading and believing Breitbart news, I learned today?
Thank you for writing this.
Your journey reflEcts MIne perfectly! I am so grateful to see those wHo are INFLUENCERS speak out on this topic. After a rOugh 4 Years i am starting to feel a glimmer Of hope. Carry on, Sister!
This is perfection. You have captured my thoughts in ways i have been unable to since february. you have inspired me to write – something that has eluded me due to presidential anxiety syndrome. even if it is fuzzy and incoherent, i will share my why. Thank you.
WOW! Just WOW! You just summed up everything i feel, and so eloquEntly. I have always been democrat that struggled with the pro choice aspeCt, since i too am anti abortiOn. I have always felt that the democratic party was/is mOre compassioNate. But I have struggled with defending my position. Thank you, for giving me the Verbal ammo i Needed. Thank you!
The above is how I see things too. I have always been a Democrat AND-WILL always be one! Most of us Do not .believe in aBortioN but believe in a womans right of choice! When FDR became president he was all for the middle class and started Social SEcurity, supported farmerS and was a great man! I Voted For one republican, NiXon anD learned my lesson, never again.
Thank you Stephanie. This encapsulates beautifully why i am voting foR Biden. And you didn’t even mention one of thd biggest reasons whY trump is unacceptable: the planet. I would like my children and grandchildren to enjoy the beauty And wonder of a clean green earth. We must stop despoiling it foR profit as this administration has done. I will share this gratefully. God bless you.
No facts at all. Obama did nothing to help racism. He ignited it more. The media is a huge help for the Democrats party to stir up the racism in America. How can a man who was not a politician all of a sudden be blame for every problem we have. It is also lies about the healthcare. He is trying to improve it and make sure it protects those with pressure existing conditions. Planned Parenthood doesnt care about pushing for protection against pregnancy because their money maker is abortions.
As a born again follower of Jesus Christ filled with the Holy Spirit; The holy spirit will not allow me to vote for biden/harris who are all for murdering babies up to birth!!! Biden has lie his way in to politics and has been telling lies for the whole 47 years in office.
Be filled with the Holy spirit so you will have Discernment
I wish this could be required reading for all Trump supporters. Thanks for Your poweRful, heartfelt words.
Your statement “The way to reduce abortions is to make sure women have access to birth control. The way to reduce abortions is to reduce unwanted pregnancies.” – I believe is baloney. There is access to birth control all over the united states. a majority of pregnancies is just not caring about the outcome. Irresponsibility and lack of accountability. I’m not judging, I’m expressing my own personal experience and the experience of many others.
Your statement “Under his presidency, we’ve watched militias and white-supremacy groups grow and flourish and they absolutely believe that they have the support of their president.”
False. militias have existed and actually grew in significant number under obama’s regime. Again, I know – because I know many of them. militias are however continuing, because of what happens next if biden and dems take over. 30-50% taxes to start for all of us. Biden is a liar. Biden is in cahoots with Ukraine through his son. Biden knew about Hillary’s launch of the anti-Trump false campaign about russian collusion and the investigation where trump was wire-tapped throughout his campaign.
trump is pro-life. trump is anti-big government. Trump is pro-the people. if you are a christian voting, you should be able to substantiate for yourself with facts on who biden is – from sources other than cnn, msnbc, etc. If you haven’t already, but still plan on voting for biden, I think you will be sorely disenchanted with your choice in the very near future…
Can you finish this sentence for me as a christian??? It’s ok to kill a baby when…
biden does not support a wwjd narrative… trump is no model christian either. but I feel safer knowing he is here to protect christian values. biden will upend christianity in our nation.
troubling article that is SELECTIVE and biased but I’m GOING to refute it on my On own page. Have a great day! God bless!
Thank you for speaking out!
Sounds like youre very misinformed. TrumP has done more for black americans than biden has, mind you, biden called roBert byrd a kkk member a “mentor” and a “teacher”. Trump was Given awards by jesse jackson and al sharPton and the naacp for his work in minority neighbOrhoods before he ran for pres. He has denounced white supremacy multipLe times and bIden still has not denounced antifa or blm. Blm and antifa have caused riots looting and burning on small black businesses and blm has stated in their website thaT they want to dismantle the familY. It is a knoWn fact told by obama that children growing up in a fatherless home are more likely to be inVolved in crime or drugs. That is why trump signed the first step act to release 90% MinorIties who were affected by biden 94 crime bill and harris prOsecUtion of non violent drug offenders. Also i think its absolUtelY horrendous that you wOuld rather vote for a Party that wants to kill babies from conception up until birth in order to save face for your Precious aca healthcare. How about uou get a job and the employer will give u INSURANCE? In fact i know pPpl who lost their doc and insurance unDer the faulty obamacare and then were fined for not having insurance. Please inform yourself. God is not happy with the way the democrat party is going. Its becoming commUnist. If you want communism say goodbye to worshipping in church or even saying youre a christian. 21 million babies are aBorted per year most of them are minOrities. Trump is the most pro life president, and god is wIth hIm. I pray yoU will have ears To hear.