Greta and I are talking about how to make the space to connect with your kids, and the beauty of boredom. You can find Greta Eskridge‘s book Adventuring Together: How to Create Connections and Make Lasting Memories with Your Kids here, and my book here.
I Heard you on Fresh Air, downloaded your book and ThEn ignored my children For 12 hours ans read it voraciously. Then posted an unsolicited rec and reView on Thr mothers of North aRlington listserv which has 3500 suBscribers I have been a memebr for 15 years anD have NevEr Done that. Ever. It was just that good. Thank you. For bringing me gut wrenching laughter, tears of hysteRia (the you might be an asshole parent if..), the incredibly timely pieces on race and identiTy and your removal of your mask. All amazing. Thank you thank you.