I have been to several Black Lives Matter marches, and I’d like to highlight the differences.
The purpose of a Black Lives Matter march is to reduce violence, promote equality, and protect civil rights.
The purpose of a white supremacy march is to assert that the white race is superior to others, to claim white dominion over other races, and to perpetuate the idea that minorities do not belong. The purpose of the march is literally hate.
At every Black Lives Matter march I’ve attended the participants have been varied. Many families and children were involved. There were people of all races, and everyone was welcomed. There were police officers in uniform who chose to come and walk. There was a large contingency of clergy as well.
The participants of the white supremacy march were adult white men.
The signs I saw at Black Lives Matter marches emphasized solidarity, allyship, and a call to reduce violence against black people.
The signs at the white supremacy march were LITERAL NAZI SYMBOLS. They also carried shields and torches.
At the marches I’ve attended chants included “this is what democracy looks like,” “black lives matter” and singing spirituals.
At the white supremacy march this weekend participants chanted “blood and soil,” a Nazi phrase referencing the philosophy that ethnic identity is based on only blood descent and the territory in which an individual lives. the Anti-Defamation League lists both “blood and soil” as a hate slogan. They also chanted “Jews will not replace us.”
At Black Lives Matter marches, people wore street clothes.
At the white supremacy march people wore pseudo-military fatigues, nazi-inspired uniforms, and carried shields and helmets. There was a distinct optic of being ready for battle.
When a shooting occurred in Dallas, Black Lives Matter immediately denounced this action and stated that this person did not represent them. The organization, as well as the individual leaders, were incredibly vocal in the days after the shooting, calling for an end to any violence.
After the death of counter-protester Heather Heyer, white supremacist groups were either silent or called her death “necessary.”
There are people in power who would like to perpetuate the false narrative that Nazis and Black Lives Matter are equal enemies. If you’ve ever given this any credence, I implore you to learn more about Black Lives Matter. Attend a local meeting. Participate in a march. Find out for yourself before you believe people bent on minimizing the reality and danger of the white supremacist movement.
Thank you so much for posting this! I'm so tired of this false equivalency as justification for the freaking nazis.