“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. … There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Kaepernick, like many in our country, is tired of the pattern of oppression against black people in our country and decided to use his public platform as an NFL player to make a statement . . . and it certainly worked. However, it seemed to have ignited an angry mob of people who feel that he should be fired for exercising this right to protest. People on facebook and twitter have called for his suspension, and he has also been victim to an onslaught of racist harassment online. (It’s not hard to see the irony when people are suggesting he’s overreacting about oppression against black people in this country and calling him the N word at the same time. Kind of proving his point.)
Wanting your country to be better does not make you unpatriotic. For the love, Trump centered his entire campaign around the premise that the country needs improvement. So why are so many of his fans up in arms that Kaepernick is suggesting that some shit ain’t right? Isn’t that exactly what Trump built a platform on?
I also find it really curious that so many of the same Christians who read the bible totally literally when it comes to homosexuality are up in arms about someone not standing for a national anthem or a classroom letting kids opt out of saying the pledge. How are so many Christians ready to quote Leviticus 18;22 but seemingly unfamiliar with the passage in Matthew where Jesus TOTALLY FORBIDS OATHS. Because if we are gonna adhere to every prescriptive in the bible, I think Jesus just said that the pledge of allegiance is Satanic. (Like, for real. He does.)
Aren't the people saying that he's not oppressed because he's got white parents and millions of dollars admitting that those without either or both ARE oppressed?
I think wearing socks with a pig that's wearing a hat worn by police officers is anti-police. I also find it puzzling how he can say he's anti oppression while wearing a Castro shirt. I think the real problem is that he's not educated on the facts.
Thank you. You are correct. Dissent and freedom of speech,freedom of expression,the right to protest,IS American.
I respect it too–and find it interesting that no one has dug up the photos that doubtless exist of other athletes (a) without their hands over their hearts or (b) their hats still on their heads or (c) sitting through the national anthem.
I think it makes perfect sense when people of color and Native Americans / American Indians choose to sit out the anthem or the pledge. And no, I don't think it makes them "unpatriotic." It makes them nonviolent protesters of racial genocide, colonization, and ongoing oppression. I'm sure I'll adjust my position over time, and this is where I am at this time.