A Bernie Sanders rally is interrupted by Black Lives Matters candidates. He gives up the mic and lets them speak. Hilary Clinton is confonted by a young black activitst. Hilary appears irritated and condescending. The young woman is physically escorted off, and Hilary says, “Back to talking about the issues” and ignores the questions that were raised. A young black woman at Donald Trump rally is ejected while being taunted, pushed, and screamed at. Trump encourages such behavior and does not apologize for or denounce her treatment at his rally. Three very different reactions that speak volumes abou tthe candidates.
I'm sure Bernie is a nice person, maybe nicer than any of the other candidates. But I don't agree with his politics and therefore would not vote for him.
Kristen – in each of your three examples, what have we got going on here? Black people being rude, and disrespectful. MAYBE Trump will put them back in line!
You really should lay off all the 'black lives matter' stuff and the constant political agenda… It's quite annoying. Wait a minute – so is every other thing that comes out of your mouth.
I think it also says a lot about the movement. I respect the reason behind the movement, but interrupting others and expecting to hijack their platform is not a professional or mature approach to getting your point across
I don't think this is a fair comparison. Hillary seems to be speaking to a small audience and is interrupted by the activist. She tells her she'll address her questions when she's finished but the activist continues speaking and interrupting her and won't let her speak. Why should Hillary be expected to immediately stop what she's talking about and let the activist take the floor? I don't see how this shows that she's unsympathetic to the BLM movement.