After a long day of talking with people in an office, making calls, and advocating for a candidate, I’m still going. I go to bed tired and wake up tired just so I can do another 14+ hour grind seven days a week. It is possible I might get to see my wife and child for about an hour if I’m lucky. I want you know that the people who work on campaigns are… people. This is our job and we have lives and families outside of that job.
Since, you aren’t civically motivated we have to pump out ads, calls, mailers, and door hangers. This means a campaign has to have money. I would like you know that we hate the money wasted on these things. Most of this stuff only yields a 2-4% response. We know it’s a waste but other than mandating voting it is the only way we have to try and motivate you to be involved.
I would like you to know that most of us aren’t corrupt or money driven. We pick the races we work on and normally we are believers. We would love you know our candidate how we know them without all gimmicks. However, that type of candidate will never win because the public will ignore them. We hate that a candidate’s message and viability is reduced to the size of their checkbook.
I would like you to know that at the end of the day all I want is to make our shared community a better place for my family. I do what I do to provide for them and I miss being with them. Families are the first casualty in the political world. So next time you hear a voice calling you at supper time, please remember that we are people just like you.
YES!!! I have been CM and Deputy CM on numerous local and state-level races on the east coast. This is great to see out there. I've lost a lot because of elections, but I always believe I'm making a difference.