I grew up with cranberry sauce out of a can. My grandmother, and then later my mother, would empty the gelatinous mold only a plate and then cut it into thick slices. This is all I knew cranberry sauce to be. When I was a young adult, I finally tried homemade cranberry sauce, and a lightbulb went on. Kind of like the lightbulb that went on when I realized that brussel sprouts could be roasted instead of boiled. This thing can be delicious. I thought I hated cranberry sauce, but no. I just hated the canned version. Since then, I’ve experimented with perfecting my own cranberry sauce. I boiled the cranberries and add a little sugar, lemon juice, and orange rind. Last year I added some vodka. SO GOOD. Still, I recognize that for some people, the can holds a nostalgic appeal. I am the only defector in my family of origin. Everyone else loves the canned stuff. How about you? How do you take your cranberry sauce?
We always had the jellied stuff from a can or the whole berry version from a can. I always preferred the whole berry version, and I don't really remember anyone wanting the jellied stuff. But this year, my mom bought only the jellied, because "that's the one that everyone likes". Um. Not so fast!
I tried to make my own one year. It turned out terrible. I took one taste and threw the whole batch in the trash. :/