Me; It’s totally fine if a boy wants to wear dresses. It might be a phase or it might be something he wants to do his whole life, and that’s okay. It’s not a big deal. And by the way, both of you boys tried on dresses when you were little.
Kembe: I was confused! I didn’t know it was a dress.
Me: Dude, you wore a Snow White dress every day for a week, and it was cute and not a big deal. Just like it’s not a big deal when India wears a tie. Anyway, I really want you to hear me that it’s not okay to make fun of other kids who do things a little differently. As you get older you may hear people poking fun at others because of things that are different . . . people who are from another country or another race, or who have a disability, or who are gay. I always want you to stick up for others if that happens.
Karis: Yeah, and if you make fun of a boy wearing a dress, you are basically making fun of Jesus. Because he wore dresses.
My work here is done.
Ok so you're saying jesus wore girls clothes so its ok for us to do the same.
Nup! Jesus wore clothing mad for man women's clothing was different and even made from different materials.
Its understandable how you can confuse the styling of men and women 4000 years ago but the encouragement of a young boy to dress and endeavor to grow into what society recognize as feminine would not be welcomed by Jesus.
Indeed everyone needs our love,help and compassion but we sould never add to or indulge their twisted and unnatural fantasys.
This is the cause of nosence shuch as gay marriage and so on.
Anyway if your kids find little biys in dresses funny theres not a hole lot for you to worry about.
God bless you