that tonight’s gonna be a good night.
that tonight’s gonna be a GOOD GOOD night.
that tonight’s gonna be a good night.
that tonight’s gonna be a GOOD GOOD night.
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I've been checking your site so many times each day to see if there has been any word. I am SO very happy for you and your family.
Welcome home Keanan!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend 🙂
I've been reading your blog the past few weeks and my heart is full of joy knowing your son is finally coming home!
oh welcome home keenan!!! praying for you all day. i am beyond excited for you all. praise God.
Our family has been praying for you and your family. I'm so happy to hear that your son is coming home!
Such fabulous news- I am a local lurker who has been reading your blog for ages and never commented before but this brought me out! So happy for you all! (Newport Beach!)
That is so great!! I have been praying him home it seems like for forever.
Been following your blog for awhile now- delurking to say CONGRATULATIONS! Been praying for your family and the others who are trying to bring their babies home.
So incredibly happy for you!!!!
Hooray!!!! Congratulations!
This is just amazing and wonderful news. My family (including my two year old) has been praying specifically for your family. I got teary eyed seeing the news! Congratulations!!!
Praise God for this happy news! I only know of you through friends, but have closely followed your story and have kept your family as well as all the people in Haiti in our prayers constantly. Good luck with the start of a new chapter in the "Howerton Clan" story!!
I am so happy for you and your family. As I write this, I am looking at the pictures you chose of Jafta and Keanan for their personal blogs… they look like they are going to be the best of friends and partners in crime! I can't wait to read all of the new blog material these two are going to create for you. I pray that love abounds as you welcome your new little one into your home.
Long-time lurker coming out to say my fingers are crossed! Thinking of your family tonight.
So glad your boy is home : )