Mark and I are feeling pretty relieved to be home from our seperate vacations, and together as a family again. Jafta has been so sweet over the past couple of days, just spontaneously declaring “family hugs” or kissing Karis and saying how much he missed her.
We both had good trips. I have two sisters and they both had baby girls this year. They also both have an older girl closer to India’s age. All together, it was six little girls – and then Austin and Derek. My middle sister lives with my mom, and my youngest sister lives next door, so it was A LOT of little girls in one place.
I know this may be a disappointment to some, but I am happy to announce that I have no horrible poop or puke stories to tell from the plane ride. Both girls were total champs, and I got to take Karis’s seat on the plane, which was a huge bonus.
Mark had a great trip as well. This is the first time Jafta has seen Keanan since their visit when he was in the hospital. It was great for him to be his active self again. Mark said they played a lot of catch, and that Keanan has a wicked fastball.
Mark got to spend Thanksgiving there, and have a meal with several of the missionaries we have grown to love over the years. (And who I am running the half marathon with). He did have an emotional day, thinking back on how long ago our last Thanksgiving trip seemed (two years ago). At that time, Keanan was a year old and just learning to walk. I don’t think we could have imagined we would still be visiting. He was able to file our I600, which is our official petition to bring Keanan into the United States. We still have several steps left, but any progress is progress. He also got to meet Keanan’s grandmother and get a picture with her, so that we can keep that for him.
Jafta had a blast in Haiti. I think it is his favorite vacation spot in all the world. Several of the missionaries have kids his children and he came home telling lots of stories about the Tlucek and Livesay kids. He is so in love with Keanan, and I think he feels the weight of the wait just as strongly as we do.
Just wanted to say that I love reading your blog and hearing about your family & your commitment to Haiti. I am also adopting from Haiti – an almost 4 year old little boy from Wings of Hope (home for kids with disabilities) – I think your husband & son visited their on one of their trips… I hope that your process begins to move more swiftly, and that you are able to finally bring Keanan home in the coming year. Best of luck to you and your family. Happy Holidays!