When I was in grade school, I was placed in a gifted program. That experience (and the other students in that program) taught me two things about intelligence:
1. IQ can’t buy you social skills
2. IQ can’t buy you common sense
(It also taught me a lot about Dungeons and Dragons, but that’s a story for another time).
I had what I called a “gifted moment” this week. I was getting a little crazy with the label maker, as I’m prone to do. (When life feels a little overwhelming, it’s amazing the peace a clearly labeled pantry can bring). A friend of mine lost his iphone this week, and had someone return it, and I got the bright idea that I should make labels with my phone number for all of my gadgets. So I printed up a few labels and stuck them on my camera, my ipod, and my cell phone.
And I walked around with those labels for about a week, feeling pretty proud of myself, until today it dawned on my that I placed the number for my OWN CELL PHONE on my cell phone. So someone could call me in case I lost it.
Brilliant, don’t you think?
Carrie says
See, these are the stories that keep me coming back to your blog. I think you're such a funny writer. Thanks for commenting on my blog yesterday — I've been "lurking" on your blog for quite some time, but just am never so good about commenting. Anyway, just thought I should say hello and tell you that I'm looking forward the day you post your 2009 self-mocking Christmas letter.
Heather of the EO says
UH HUH. Totally something I would do. Does this mean I'm gifted???? 🙂
a Tonggu Momma says
I would totally do something like that. And yes, I was in the gifted program in school.
Anonymous says
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