married to best friend
three beautiful and hilarious children
getting out of IBESR
flexible jobs
supportive friends
a home I love
awesome neighbors
living by the beach
cars that run
online adoption buddies
running on the river trail
RockHarbor Church
preschool teachers who adore my kids
Michael and Jodie adopting!
my new navigational gadget
free childcare at the YMCA
the nannies and missionaries caring for Keanan
Memphis happy hour + kids menu
three new nieces
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! Thanks for stopping by on my blog!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ohhh. I saw a baby at my church rocking a helmet and it made me smile.
She was just as cute as Karis and was as just as happy. Her helmet wasnt decorated all that much…just one pink flower on the side… it was cute though…
Anyway, hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!