In the last 24 hours, 458 of you clicked on the link of India’s poop that I warned you not to view. 458 of you, and that doesn’t include my facebook feed. Mwahahahahaha.
In the last 24 hours, 458 of you clicked on the link of India’s poop that I warned you not to view. 458 of you, and that doesn’t include my facebook feed. Mwahahahahaha.
Rage Against the Minivan sometimes earns revenue through sponsored posts, which are clearly labeled, and occasional affiliate links to recommended products. I only feature products that I truly like, and my opinions are always my own.
I admit it. I clicked. Hey, I have a 4 year old and a five month old. And I am competitive. I had to stifle the urge to send a picture I took of my eldest son's diaper when he had rotovirus, thus challenging you to a poop-off.
I seriously debated and realized that my children have been out of diapers for a good 5 yrs now so why would I subject myself to that again….but I seriously had to think about it first….we are sick peole.
How could you not click? We're dirty, shameless, bodily function-exploiting moms.
Here's my kid peeing all over the outfit I just made her today:
i did not click. i was at work, eating lunch, and blog reading, and i realized i've been lured into your games before (poop in the bathtub… i still remember). my refrain is a definate improvement in impulse control.
I did not click it.
Love you people.