Sometimes motherhood throws me into situations where there is no clear-cut answer, and where I am left choosing between the lesser of two evils. I ran into one of those situations today, and I’m curious to know what other moms would have done. So, WWYD?
Here’s the scenario: You need to run into a major grocery store chain for milk, and you have three kids in tow (one of them a newborn in an infant seat). You spot the fancy carts that will hold three children at the front entrance of the store. You park as close as you can to those carts, which are across the street from where you are parked. You must now strategize the safest way to get all three kids into said cart. Do you:
1. Leave the kids in the car for a moment (still in your line of sight) while you walk over and get a cart to bring back to the car so that the kids can cross the street strapped and contained in a seat.
If the car was in my sight and locked, I would run and get the cart and leave the kids in the car. I don’t normally leave my kids in the car, no matter how brief it is, but in that situation I would.
#1. Coming from someone who NEVER. EVER. leaves keys in the ignition if I am not IN the driver’s seat (even at the gas station). Leaving the kids in the cool, locked car (key in pocket) to retrieve/park a cart, within eyeshot of course, is okay. And safer.
Isn’t there a similar dilemma in a riddle? Once upon a time there was a tribesman who had to cross a river in a boat only big enough for the man and one other thing. He had a goat, a lion, and a bundle of millet. If he takes the lion first, the goat will eat the millet. If he takes the millet, the lion will eat the goat, and so on…
I say stay at home until one of the kids can drive, then send that one to the store for the milk–just don’t give him/her the atm card. Trust me on this.
I agree with Jenn & Heather. You would be quick. The car would still be cool from the AC. Totally safe. Confinement trumps for me any day of the week.
i think one unless india or jafta know how to unlock the car. because that sounds like something your little india would do….
I would choose option 1. I’ve done it several times, with of course my eyes in plain view of the car.
Yup – you’re not leaving them unattended. You’re just using your car as a really giant stroller/tool of confinement.
Perfectly legit and safe and all that jazz. As well as being really, really smart.
First, I would call my husband to see if he could pick up milk on his way home. If that backfired, I would carry the infant carrier in my left hand (it’s my strongest), hoist India on my other hip with my hand hanging loosely under her bottom, and have Jafta hold that hand while crossing the parking lot in extreme slow motion. Or, I would park next to a cart return, pile everyone in a standard cart and push it to the car cart. I think…
Leave them in the locked car. Everyone is confined, and you can see the car. And if anyone says anything to you about it, tell them to mind their own f***ing business.
But that’s just me.
#1 as long as it’s close, in your line of sight and quick.
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Ha! I like Corey’s response.
I would choose #1, but knowing my kids one of them would crawl into the driver’s seat and pop the car into neutral and “drive” off. How can I be so sure? It’s happened before:)
I always park next to a cart return even if it’s a mile away.
#1 absolutley!!!
Ummm – I would leave my kids in the car and go get the milk. They’ll be fine right? Just Kidding!!!
I would call my husband to get milk on the way home. It’s just TOO MUCH work!!! : )
Since it is so hot where we live, I’m too paranoid to leave the kids in the car–esp. with an infant. So, I make them hold hands with each other and one holding my hand while my other one has the baby carrier or have one hold onto the carrier. If I’m at my parents’ in Montana, I’d feel comfortable grabbing the cart and taking it back to the car to get the kids.
I always get the cart first!
If you've got the infant carrier you have to get the cart first. You'll be too tired dragging that in and cattling the children at the same time. Once she's out of the carseat it's a little easier to walk to the carts.
I often drive around looking for a stray cart and park there. Sometimes it's a hike, but worth it with contained kids:)
It is no big deal, get the cart first. The kids will be in the car for 20 seconds max. Also, I would choose the red car cart, it looks faster than the blue one.
I think I would side with the majority here too. I'd leave them in the car and bolt for the cart while using those eyes in the back of my head to keep watch over the little ones while I make my sprint for the cart. 🙂
this is exactly why i'm not having kids. 🙂
leave them in the car .. every time … even in port au prince…. caution smaution.
I leave them in the car, every time, walk to the cart and walk back. I usually lock them in, but most of the time I can get right next to the cart corral.
This is the hardest time with having the new baby. Once Brynn was able to sit up, it was so much easier to move all 3 of mine at once.