Alright, I’ve submitted to the Facebook peer pressure. I can’t even count how many times I’ve been tagged to do this. My list of 25 random things:
- Both of my parents are high-level black belts in Tae Kwon Do, and ran a karate studio while I was growing up. When kids started fighting about whose dad could beat up the other dads, I was always pretty sure mine would win.
- I would like to live in a hotel. It’s a dream of mine to be in vacation-mode 24/7 and have someone clean up and make my bed every day.
- I majored in piano for two years, and now I can barely play.
- If I haven’t been out of the USA for a few months, I start to slowly die inside. I love to travel and if I were wealthy it’s all I would do.
- I love Jon Stewart. In an inappropriate, stalker-ish way (at least that’s the wording in the restraining order).
- When I was in middle school, I went through a phase where I systematically rented every movie in the “B-movie” section at Blockbuster.
- I was a pastor’s kid, and then a pastor’s wife, until I was 33. I love not being in that role anymore. In in weird way, it has strengthened my relationship with God.
- I love my church SOOOO much, but the lack of racial diversity there really bothers me. It’s an issue I have no idea how to solve.
- I am way more introverted than anyone thinks
- I don’t follow the vaccination schedule for my kids but I gave them the flu shot this year. I surrendered my values to avoid cleaning up puke while pregnant. So far – no flu. 🙂
- I hate being pregnant. It seems harder for me, both physically and emotionally, than it does for other women.
- I once took my in-laws to see the movie Something About Mary, without knowing what it was about. It is the most awkward two hours I have every spent.
- I don’t wear pastels or bright colors. Ever. It makes doing laundry very convenient. I only have “darks”.
- I am in total denial about needing a minivan for four kids. I have spent countless hours googling other options in some futile attempt to find an alternative.
- I loved the show Six Feet Under so much that when it was over, I felt like I had lost a friend.
- I am very opinionated. I love a good debate, and I rarely get my feelings hurt from a difference of ideas. I realize this is not always a shared value, and I’m trying harder to keep my mouth shut.
- When Mark and I were first married, I worked as a can-can dancer in a touristy Orlando bar.
- I’m a lightweight when it comes to drinking, and I get a headache from even the smallest amount of alcohol. So even though I joke about being a lush, it’s really all talk. I rarely drink, and don’t really care for it.
- I want to like Rushdie. But I don’t.
- I always knew I wanted to be a therapist. But I never imagined I would be married to one.
- I stay up way too late. It’s a horrible, horrible habit that I cannot quit.
- Most of what I say on Facebook is a joke. I don’t really text while my clients are talking, or put mascara on my 2-year-old, or smoke pot, or stalk Jon Stewart. I sometimes wonder how many people might be taking me seriously.
- I hate being cold. I don’t know how anyone lives in cold weather. I had a great college experience in Cincinnati, but the winters were so bad that I graduated a semester early just to get outta the midwest freeze. Scraping snow off the windshield of a car is something I hope I never have to do again.
- I love the smell of sharpie markers.
- I am very content with my home, my husband, my kids, my church, and my friends. It is a good place to be.
I went to that little itty bitty theater in Lido once (the one that is – or maybe now isn’t – right behind Pavillions) to see THE PIANO with my GRANDMOTHER. That was icky and awkward.
Ugh, I have been putting this off too.
Next time you are on FB you should add me. My comments and pictures are also grossly innappropriate and I am now waiting for the authorities to commit me or take my kids away.
Jen Colbourn
Wow…great post!
So can can dancer huh??
I remember your parents soooo well; I spent a lot of time at your house…it was a nice place to be…didn’t you guys have a rabbit on the back screen porch?
Thank you for always making me smile w/ your posts…In your last post, I share your thoughts about The Bachelor’s Stephanie but don’t think I could have worded it as well as you- “throwing up a little” captures it perfectly. I actually had to look away when they kissed.
So again, I thank you that even in my adoption-related lows, you always make me smile (even at 2:08AM…)
I completely relate to feeling the itch to travel all of the time and the one I hardly ever admit to…
I was IN LOVE with 6 feet under and Anthony used to laugh at me because at random times I would say “oh my gosh, nate is dead!” and I meant it Kristen. I was broken. I also still call those actors.. Brenda, Nate, David, etc…
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I am so glad to hear someone else say they hate being pregnant. I do too, but somehow, whenever you tell someone "well, I'm pregnant again", and they start gushing "oh, how wonderful!!!", then I can never follow it up with, "actually, I hate it. It sucks." But i hate sleeping badly for 6 months, feeling grumpy, having no energy to do the things I can usually do, heartburn… etc. All made worse by the fact that I never feel able to be honest with my female friends about this fact.