Okay, this is a meaningless post where I am gonna comment about some of the stuff I’m watching on tv. Because I am in my third trimester. And anemic and weak and feeling really crappy. AND I’M WATCHING A LOT OF TV.
The Bachelor – thank goodness 34-year-old pageant girl Stephanie is gone. When she broke into “opera voice” last week I almost threw up in my mouth. I’m all for opera voice if you are joking around. I don’t think she was joking. Her clothes make me think she believes she is 12 years old. I’m still not sure I believe she is only 34. And a sleeveless fur jacket? Is there ever a good reason for a sleeveless fur over a t-shirt? So your core is warm and toasty but your arms are freezing? Don’t even get me started on the giant costume jewelry, the eyebrows, and the way her giant forehead doesn’t move.
Rob Blagojevich – Someone put a muzzle on him already. Why is everyone interviewing him? I watched Letterman last night and he let crazy hair guy prattle on for 40 minutes, and then gave Richard Jenkins, one of the most talented actors ever, a measly 6 minutes at the end of the show. I’m sick of Rob and his cavalier denial of responsibility. Why is the media rewarding bad behavior?
Christian Bale – Hey angry guy, find yourself a therapist. Anger management is a good thing.
The Octuplets – So now the mom has a publicist, who is shopping her story around. I’m hesitant to say too much because I think there is even more crazy yet to be revealed. It’s a train wreck and I can’t wait to see more. Although, even though this mom sounds off her rocker, I am surprised at how many people are outraged that she didn’t “selectively reduce” her babies. Um, doesn’t pro-choice go both ways???
LOST – I need to break up with this show. It’s just making me more and more annoyed. Sometimes I think the writers are just sitting around smoking pot and laughing about how they have no clue where this is going. It sucks me in with the mystery and then reveals absolutely nothing. The plotlines are preposterous, and I can’t even follow it anymore. “THREE MONTHS EARLIER” . . . three months earlier from which part of this non-linear episode? What time is it? Where are we? LOST, you LOST me at time travel.
A Very Duggar Wedding– Why am I so fascinated with this family? Their clothes and hair are bizarre, their emphasis on procreation confounds me, they use the phrase “transfer of authority” to describe a girl getting married, and they seem to be living in a weird alternate-universe bubble. And yet . . . I love them and their simple ways. Being from Orange County, these people are complete enigmas to me. I might as well be watching an athropological documentary on the indigenous people of the amazon. You don’t see people like the Duggars in these here parts. I want to sit at her feet to figure out how she got her kids to be such courteous, respective, conservative, and helpful little citizens. Although, I probably wouldn’t like the answer.
Dick Cheney – Shut up. Shut. Up. Fear-mongering is SO Dobson 2008.
Barack Obama – I was cringing all week at the Tom Daschle thing. It seemed like a major misstep to me, and left me scratching my head at what Obama was thinking. Until I see him interviewed by Anderson Cooper, where he admits that it was a mistake. Our President, admitting on national television, “I screwed up“. What a refreshing change of pace from the prideful, “we’re always right” mantra of the last administration. One thing is for sure – in life, there will always be mistakes. Being willing to admit that, even in a position of leadership, is a beautiful thing.
I hate that I have no idea who Rob and Christian are!!!!! The Duggars … I have private commentary to share on that. Barrack admitting a mistake – that rocks. The Ted H. thing only bugs because I don’t think it is cool to benefit or profit by sensationalizing your sin … I know that is judgmental of me … and maybe HBO will do a show on me and my recovery from judgmentalism … I could make some money! (ahem.)
The Bachelor was one of those shows that I could not believe was real – the desperation and the shallowness was like a bad accident that I could not look away from — is it still the same all these years later? I cannot believe it is still on the air.
Anemic? Double your iron. When that causes constipation, try prunes.
The Duggars — all I can say is strange but strange enough that I watch over and over.
i seriously loved stephanie, although i kept thinking that her soft whispery voice would drive anyone crazy. but naomi? she really drives me crazy, i want to either give her a bobby pin or cut those bangs
The Bachelor … I’m still trying to figure out if she’s REALLY a woman. I called her “the tranny” while she was on the show .. and for that VERY reason … i will miss her.
P.S. I love tranny’s. No take offense to that please 😉
I have nothing to say except that I loved this entire post. I love how you think and how honest you are. Keep telling me about television. The only thing I had a clue about was the Bachelor. How sad am I.
Oh and LOST, I’m getting annoyed too.
Guess I had more to say than I thought.
Yes I’m almost POSITIVE that Stephanie’s 44, not 34. And how ’bout those glittered cheekbones during ballroom dancing?! She did seem very nice, I must admit. Molly’s my fave.
So I don’t watch TV but have, at least, a vague clue about the subjects of which you speak. You are stinkin’ hilarious. Thank you for allowing my mind to swim up for comical air as I’ve been homebound with my snot faced little ones for too long.
This is cracking me up; thanks for catching me up on the reality tv…and some of the talk shows!
— This was my first week of watching The Bachelor and I only watched it because I was facebook chatting with Lisa. She beat me to the tranny comment! I totally think Stephanie is a transgendered woman…
— I’ve been hitting the gym and watching Larry King Live. It’s a hit or miss show for me, and LK has had Blogovich on TWICE recently. Seriously, SHUT UP when you say the tapes don’t prove anything
— Larry King also had the story about the octuplets. I was annoyed by how he and his guests kept talking about the mother not being married. As if that is the biggest factor in this story…
— Ted Haggard. I usually hate these stories but I actually thought he was quite humble.
— The Van Dugers. Never heard of them. Who are they and where are you getting their stories?
— Dick Cheny. Not sure what you are referring too, but I completely agree: Shut up.
Hey Kristen. Okay, so Jeff and I loved Stephanie. We thought she had such nice manners and encouraged the other women not to act like such tramps. Though I suppose social graces are not the reason we (collective) watch The Bachelor. I also have to admit that I have a fur (faux) vest…I love it. if you are lucky, I might even let you borrow it. The Duggars (though I’ve seen only a portion of one show) freak me out because there are way TOO many families like that in OR. Yikes! Totally agree with you about our man, Obama. Love him, love him, love him.