It’s been fun to watch Jafta emerge into a little man this year. He has truly matured so much, and I love this transition from 3 to 4. I have to admit, I am not one of those moms that relishes the toddler years. I am enjoying this stage where he is developing into a cool little person.
Jafta’s birthday was last month, and he received a Target giftcard. He called it his “credit card”. (Hmmm, no clue where he learned that concept . . .) He was so excited to go to the store and pay with his own card. I told him he could choose anything in the store: a toy, some superman clothes, whatever. He got in his mind that he wanted to buy a robe. Mark and I wear robes every night, and he wanted one, too. I thought it was so cute that he ignored a store full of toys to get a robe. He tried several on, and was very thoughtful about his decision. He was so proud to tell the checker that he would be paying for it himself.What a little man. He’s been very serious about wearing it every night, too.

Such a sweet post! You are one very lucky mommy!!!!!
I just love this post. The robe, the superhero, stomp. What a great guy. Happy Birthday!
He looks adorable in his robe…so grown up.
I agree with the transition from 3-4; my daughter turns 4 on Valentines Day and she suprises me everyday; she is very self sufficient and relentless at times but oh so fun!