The Christian SEXperiment January 28, 2009 The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Ed Young Colbert Report Full EpisodesColbert Report Tickets Paul McCartney AppearanceMore Funny Videos Christian couples? Having sex!? How scandalous!!!!
Lisa Davis says January 29, 2009 at 5:28 pm 7 nights in a row, umm….Its sounds like a great idea in theory but in reality, I’m just not sure. It depends about the “quality”, it that doesn’t count – sure – LOL !!
WOW! Our posts today are just two … er … peas in a pod.
7 nights in a row, umm….Its sounds like a great idea in theory but in reality, I’m just not sure. It depends about the “quality”, it that doesn’t count – sure – LOL !!