I am SO excited to be able to host an online “purse party” for an amazing group of women in Haiti. Heartline Haiti is a mission that runs a Sewing Program to provide women a means to support themselves. (It is also run by the amazing missionaries who are taking such good care of our son at Maranatha Orphanage). These purses have been handmade by women in the program located in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. They are made by hand of recycled fabric and burlap sugar sacks. Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere, and poverty, famine, disease, and hurricanes have made it very difficult for the people there. This is a great opportunity to buy a cute, handmade bag that will help support a local woman living and working in Haiti. This is a real way to bring change to the nation of Haiti; one woman and one bag at a time. You are taking a personal interest in her and her life. These ladies are buying their own sewing machines, paying for their children to go to school and buying stoves with money still in their business accounts. It’s a great example of the Chinese proverb: give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. We love the micro-enterprise ideals that this mission is pursuing, and we are thrilled to be a part of providing an income for hard-working women in a difficult situation.
To purchase a bag, please visit our Esty shop or click on a bag below. To help spread the word, link this website to your blog, forward an email to friends, and post on your facebook account. Thanks!!
new EtsyNameSpace.Mini(6588389, ‘shop’,’gallery’,5,3).renderIframe();
I love these bags and I will post on my blog and FB accounts. However, I have just one question: do you know if there are dimensions to these bags? I really want to buy one but I don’t know if I should go with the large satchel or tote. Feel free to email me if you wish: [email protected]
I tried to buy one yesterday but was not able to complete the purchase because they said they only ship to the U.S. Is it possible to have them shipped to Canada? I love what you’re doing and I think this is such a great project.
Hey Kristen,
How cool that you’re posting about the bags. I have the Hobo bag and LOVE it. I use it for library books. I got one for my Mom and she uses hers for the gym. I use it so much it got kind of grubby, so I threw it in the wash…came out looking like new. Ana has one of the longer totes and it’s nice to sling over your shoulder when you need you hands free and she can get a ton of stuff in it.