We’ve all played the “What’s Your Porn Star Name” game. Okay maybe just me. But I thought it would be funny do have a little fun at our own childrens’ expense. Because I’m having one of those days where if I don’t laugh, I just might cry. Again, maybe just me.
Soo . . .
Play along. If you had to name your child based on their characteristics right now, what would it be? Think Dances With Wolves, toddler style. I’ve been toying around with the following Native American names for my kids.
Prone to Tantrums
or maybe
Rapidly Cycling Moods
For Jafta, perhaps
Endless Questions With No Answers
or maybe
Noise That Keeps Moving
What about your kids? Come on. You know you have some ideas . . .
I’m no good with Native names but I commonly use boxing names:
Kai but why Stabile
Nash sleepless Stabile
Hmm. I think I have:
Creative Whirlwind
Bossy Girl with Razor Sharp Tongue
Kind and Generous Spirit
Boy who Hates Mother
Neverending Chatty Tornado
Mama’s Boy 4-eva
(ok, the last one is not sounding too Native American, but it IS fitting)
It sounds like Jafta and Erica would be best friends. Or totally burn each other out.
Tanner wood be:
Hits His Head A Lot
Never Sits Still Runs A Lot
How interesting that your toddler names fit my teenage boy perfectly!
For my pre-teen I would say:
Hates to Bathe
That’s funny and today “I needed to laugh” so thank you!
My husband (affectionately?) came up with a name for my mom a while back with the same idea… Stamps Foot Loudly. Still cracks me up.
Mine would be:
My moods change with the wind
Lots of talking with little meaning
Is everyone looking at me?
He who breaks sinks.
She who knows much. (Hope)
He of great joy. (Ike)
She who consumes much food. (Phoebe)
She who screams much and walks not. (Lydie)