As you may have noticed, my husband and brother-in-laws like to play sports using the kids as EQUIPMENT. Case in point, little boy bowling. And now, I bring you: The Tanner Toss.
As you may have noticed, my husband and brother-in-laws like to play sports using the kids as EQUIPMENT. Case in point, little boy bowling. And now, I bring you: The Tanner Toss.
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Okay so my husband and crazy brothers-in-law aren’t the only ones who do that!
oh my gosh this is awesome!!
That is such a universal guy thing! It is done everywhere! It is payback from when they are little and so on and so on…It will never end !!
OK, that is classic Daddies-are-still-little-boys game. Love it!
laugh much?
I can’t wait to see what they come up with next LOL Tanner looks as if he is having the time of his life!