We did Christmas early with the Howerton clan, while Michael and Jodie were visiting from Seattle. Here are some photos and highlights of that time:
1. lots and lots of wrestling
2. matching pj’s. thanks Aunt Sarah!
3. human pyramids
4. gingerbread house competition
And now, for the results:
WINNER: Most Christmas-y (Michael, Jodie, Alex, Caleb)
WINNER: Most Religious Interpretation of a Secular Gingerbread House (Mark & Jafta, for using crosses on the windows and red frosting representing “the blood of the lamb” over the doorpost. Wrong holiday, but very spiritually significant.)
Certificate of Participation: India, for doing nothing but licking icing off of a plastic spoon for two hours.
Where oh where did she get those great matching pjs?! I have had the worst time finding some this year!
This is very cute! Your family is from Seattle, right? How in the world did they ever get out of the airport in all the snow? On the news here they are showing ladies sobbing their eyes out in the Alaska Airlines ticketing lines because they have been stuck at the airport for three days sleeping on the floor with no blankets and no change of clothes. It would seem to be a “Christmas miracle” that you are all together! 🙂 Have a very happy Christmas with your loved ones!
The pj’s were from Children’s Place, but she bought them in Novemeber. She’s a planner!
And yes, these festivities occurred a few weeks ago, and they are safely back in Seattle. I feel so bad for everyone stuck at airports this season!
Planning for Christmas back in November… what a concept!
Great pics; looks like a lot of fun.