- Getting to see In The Heights, and acting like a crazed fan meeting the writer/star after the show
- Walking around the shops in Soho
- Eating gelato every day
- Seeing our favorite waiter at Pelligrino’s in Little Italy
- Remeniscing about past trips with Halli’s, Monroes, Blakeys, Sharmans, Chad, Heather, and Isaac. Wish you were with us!
- Seeing the fall leaves
- Meeting new friends (JJ and Rachel, let’s hang soon)
- Getting a break from the kids
- Reading a book and taking naps, both in one day
- Alone time with my husband
- Being in New York!
- Walking through Chinatown and the mystery meat and fish displays while pregnant and queasy
- Riding the subway while pregnant and queasy
- Being pissed that I’m in the 2nd trimester and still queasy!!
I could barely keep from gagging just to take this picture. YUCK!
maybe the little one is confused that she’s supposed to lighten up since you still don’t look pregnant…
Realizing that it wasn’t nearly as fun as I thought it was going to be because I completely bailed on Jenn. It’s just not the same without her…nothing is.
Mark recommended we make NY a quarterly trip. Sure, the budgets can’t take it, but I’m sure my soul would be very happy.
Fun to see you guys.
great memories in NY with the howertons! 5 shows in 5 days I think … and new years eve. so fun