We love to travel, and both my kids have had a passport from an early age. We just applied for Jafta’s passport with his adoptive name, which was such a big deal for us! For the past three years, I’ve had to buy plane tickets under a name he doesn’t even know. It was fun to be able to buy his plane ticket for Christmas under Jafta Howerton.
Can you believe how big he looks in his new passport photo? I can’t believe he is almost 4.
We also got to apply for a new birth certificate. We received this back in the mail. Your efficient US taxdollars at work – it will take almost a year to get his new birth certificate. But if you read the fine print, you will notice that processing a sex change takes less time than processing an adoption. I’m so glad they have their priorities straight.

nice. real nice. government is such an efficient machine, is it not?
By the way, is that little baby picture the cutest passport photo you’ve ever seen?! He is super cute! 🙂